Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 200 = Running + 200

There's a movie called 300, but I don't know what it's about. Don't care. Today is my 200, and I do care about that.

Over the last 200 days, I've set out to do something I never saw myself doing: working out every day. Naysayers and Oprah were like, "Girl, you don't have to work out every day to see results." And I was like, "Whatever." I proved them wrong. And I proved I'm right. I like when that happens.

So now that 200 came and went with a run through my neighborhood, I realized this is my life I'm building here. I can't imagine going a day without working out. I thrive on it. I think I've written about this before about how I clear my head and love that it's my "me" time, even though I get quite enough of that by being single. But this is part of my life like the way breathing and eating cheese are like everyday givens.

There have been days when I've looked in the mirror and said, "Bitch, get it together." But most days I can't wait to get away from the office and lace up my Brooks for a run or a walk along Mesa and the deer.

I have a running shirt that says "Running Is Cheaper Than Therapy." Es verdad. How many times have you heard people talk about the benefits of working out? It's like you know they're true but until you actually see them yourself then you really can't appreciate them. My resting heart rate is lower than it's ever been, my mind is clear, I'm focused, I'm less fatigued, my skinny jeans have come out of retirement. I'm generally a happy person, but I have never been happier than now. And not just happy - content. Ever since I started running over 8 years ago and then endurance running, I haven't needed anything "extra" to calm my nerves or help me chemically adjust. Running keeps me sane. This photo is from 3 years ago after I completed my first half marathon (Sunriver, Oregon).

This 90 day experiment has definitely changed my life. I challenge everyone to give it a try.

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