Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 280 = Resistance Bands + Bose

So while I'm still sporting the BodyBugg until my subscription runs out, I'm still plugging it in and checking out the calorie burn. Today I did so much walking that I burned more than 2,300 calories. Not so bad for a night of resistance bands. But hey, hey, hey - the night before a long run is usually scheduled as "rest" but it really just means "no running." Mission accomplished.

Another mission accomplished is I finally treated myself to the Bose iPod docking station. Merry Christmas, Me.

I've been wanting one for years, and not one to settle for just any old sound system, I'm glad I held out for this baby. It sounds great in my living room, and it's going to sound awesome at my party.

Now, I just need to start compiling the many playlists I'll have at the ready at the touch of my Bose remote control button.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Day 279 = Running + Trust?

This morning, I was smart and planned out my workout in advance. So I woke up early and ran 3 miles. I did this because tonight is my company Christmas party, and I decided to bring Deacon. I figure we've been hanging out a little bit recently, and it would be fun to bring him.

Where should I start? Well, he'd warned me ahead of time that he was going to wear a suit he bought at the Goodwill. I thought he was joking, but then I also thought he was telling the truth, yet if he was, I had faith that he'd have the good sense to wear something decent. Verdict? It was decent. I meant it was only about 15-20 years old and not, like, 30 years old, not that it's something I'd condone everyday or for everyone. But it's Deacon, and you just have to know him. But the shoes were thumbs way down.

I decided to check up on my emails while we waited for the cab because I'd written him off on that fact alone. I mean, I'll be honest; I have been starting to wonder about him lately, you know, like does he have potential to roll with me? Um, not sure now. And certainly not putting all my eggs in one basket. But the upside is I could still relax and have fun and hang out with him.

So we waited, and waited, and waited for the cab. Hey, Deacon. I thought I said we needed to leave at 6:15? Scott rolled up with the Land Yacht at about 7:15 and about 2 vodka sodas into the night.

When we arrived at Thistle Cafe (where Deacon's friend happens to be owner and chef), a photographer snapped this picture of us before I could take off my own vintage mink coat (circa 1976). OK. So we were both wearing "vintage." Of course, under my coat I was wearing Michael Kors circa 2009. And you know what goes well with vintage? Vodka does. The bar was and will always be a good idea for Christmas parties. Especially open bars. And especially bars where Deacon has friends.

I realized tonight that yes, I can take Deacon somewhere and he won't throw the shocker sign for every photo and he can carry on a conversation with strangers and he has table manners. So with a few more drinks, I forgot about the suit thing. After dinner, we lingered for a while and talked to Deacon's friend and drank more drinks. Oh, vodka, how I could write tomes about you! That said, there were other bars to get to, so we didn't linger too long. Deacon suggested Malverde again, and I obliged, although I do not know what the big attraction is for this bar.

Once again, we were just about the only people in the place. We sat on a couch that was across from another bank of couches where another couple were "lounging." If you squinted your eyes just right, which is about the only way I could control my eyelids at this point, then it looked like you were watching soft porn. I think we took bets on whether they would go for it right there on the couch. I said, "get a room" out loud, but I knew they couldn't hear me over the music. I just wanted to say it. Out loud.

So to divert our attention and derail any sexual tension that might have been building, we started talking. I think Deacon did most of the talking. And I did some listening. I was tired because I woke up early to run and dare I say I couldn't only finish half of my 7th vodka soda. And at some point, like it has before, Deacon and I started talking about trust and how I should trust him. I told him that I had a dream that a friend of ours told me, "Don't trust Deacon." So this has been a point of contention lately.

Then right there on the couch, Deacon tried to kiss me, but I pushed him off because I said we are just friends (and I was still debating on how I felt about him in a "more than friends" situation). I take my time with things. But it was time for a change of venue, so we walked down the street to Lavaca Street Bar.

To cap off the night, I just ordered a beer. Deacon kept wanting to talk about trust again and why don't I trust him. I said I'm still getting to know you better. He convinced me to do the "fall into my arms" trust exercise. I agreed. But just as I was about to fall, I caught a glimpse in a mirror of him flinching out of the corner of my eye, and I caught myself.

You would have thought I'd just run over a baby if you were judging by the way his attitude changed to a "how dare you? how could you?" tone. I told him about what I saw in the mirror and he denied it. I told him it was a dumb game and I didn't want to play. He kept pressing and I said, "This is the end of the discussion. I'm not discussing this any more." But like a child, he wanted to get his way and have the last word or at least continue to press my buttons. I told him that if he wanted me to trust him then he needed to give me a reason to trust him and not play some stupid game with me. He argued his defense. I whipped out my digital voice recorder and started recording: his side vs. my side of this silly argument. I told him he'd had too much to drink and that when he was sober tomorrow, he could listen to how irrational he was sounding.

After that, we shared a cab back to his house, and I said, "This is why you are single. You go after women with drama, and I will have nothing to do with it. I don't want any part in drama. I'm not going to let you pick a fight with me over nothing." I don't know if he heard any of it or processed any of it or will remember any of it, but when we got back to his house, I didn't even go inside. I just said goodnight and got in my car and drove home.

I'm a little disappointed that the night ended this way. I was beginning to enjoy my time hanging out with Deacon and getting to know him and not having to make any decisions about trust or kissing or conflict resolution. But it is what it is, and there's always tomorrow. And more vodka.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day 278 = Gym + Last Session

Oh, so sad that this morning was my last session with Regan. Whatever will I do on Monday and Wednesday mornings or when I step into a gym from now on?

I have absolutely loved training with Regan twice a week for the last six or so months. I have seen fabulous results. In fact, we took my measurements today and I've lost 8% body fat and 7 inches around my waist, plus more inches around my hips and other areas. Success!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 277 = Running + Bicep Indentations

I woke up early and ran in the morning. Just me, my iPod and my shoes. No, I wasn't running naked; it's not like anyone would want to see that.

My BodyBugg subscription is going to run out soon, and I think I might take a break from it for a while. It's been good to me and has worked well, and I think I know what I should eat each day and about how many calories I can expect to burn based on the activity. But wearing the Bugg starts to become a bugaboo and cumbersome after a while, not to mention that it starts to create an indentation in my biceps. And while that helps with toning my arms, it's still a pretty clear indentation that looks, well, weird.

So around Christmas Eve when the subscription ends, I'm going to take it off and see if my biceps don't fuse back to normal, yet cut.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Day 276 = Gym + On My Own

So this morning I was on my own at the gym. I was a little shy at first, and it was weird seeing Regan in the trainer area training someone else. But oh well. I better get used to it because money doesn't grow on trees and Regan doesn't work for free. I did end up burning about 375 calories according to the BodyBugg, so that's not too bad for "on my own." That tells me that I did retain some of the fine knowledge that Regan threw down on me.

Tonight I started planning my Christmas party and decorated my tree. I have used a blonde-haired, brown-eyed angel for about 13 years, and I'm wondering if I should change and go with a star. She just looks so dark up there with all the lights on the tree. I also think my tree needs something. Like a ribbon, but I don't know how people do that. I am not good at stringing lights and decorating a tree. Every year, I put as many lights on the tree as I can and just hang eclectic ornaments all over it. I'm sure there's a better technique to decorating a tree, kind of like they do on TV and in magazines and at The White House, but I don't have that special touch.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Day 275 = Resistance Bands + Christmas Trees

I need to start getting in my recovery runs on Sundays instead of bailing out and doing a light workout at home, like I did today with my resistance bands. Although, I did stay very busy today.

Around 10 am, I drove over to Deacon's house because I had asked him to help me haul in a Christmas tree and set it up in my house. He had the idea for us to drive to Elgin and cut one down. Oh, joy! I've done this before, so it should be fun. Even in the rainy drizzle.

If you've never cut down your own Christmas tree, you really must try it sometime. I had a fresh-cut tree about 10 years ago that smelled lovely and little Ringo loved to sleep under the tree. He was still a puppy then. I guess he felt like I'd brought the outside in. The tree farm we drove to is in Elgin, Texas, and that's about 45 minutes east of Austin on Hwy 290.

Upon arrival, we took a hay ride over to where the trees are growing. It's only Dec. 6 and already so many have been cut. Deacon grabbed a hand saw from a box when the hay ride trailer dropped us off in front of a row of trees. He kept saying I need something full. But I was looking for something tall to take advantage of my high ceilings that could accommodate my many years of collecting ornaments.

I gotta say it was slim pickins. I felt like we'd never find anything worth cutting down and we almost gave up. And then there it was. The perfect "imperfect" tall and full and green tree. So Deacon got to sawing and then hoisting the tree over his head like He-Man. Show off. But it was nice of him because if he wasn't there, I'd have to drag the tree myself. Wait, if he wasn't there, I'd be home with a cocktail right now.

After supervising him tying it to the roof of my SUV, we went to the ghost town. He'd told me about this place and about the burgers there. When we drove up, it really was a ghost town. It was like someone built this little fake old town from the 1800s. There was a saloon and a jail. An undertaker and a grave yard. And the ice house is where we had a ghost burger, fries and a beer. Then we took a tour and walked through the labyrinth. And posed for pictures in the jail. I thought this would have been a great date if this was a date.

We passed up the strip clubs on the way into Austin, even though Deacon thought I would get loads of comedy material from them. No doubt I would, but I was on a schedule. However, we did decide to drive through the Rundberg area of Austin in case we might have a hooker spotting. And we did. Saw a hooker and her pimp! Deacon said he'd never seen that, which I thought was pretty unbelievable, but I gave him a high five anyway.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 274 = Running + Blind Date

This morning, I was supposed to run 17 miles, but I accidentally shaved off the last mile and ended up with just 16 logged on the Garmin. I could have made up that mile on the trail, but I was so sore. And sometimes it just gets old. And me want taco.

Oh happy day. There is a taco place within walking distance from my house now. Not that I'm going to walk after this run, but it's nice to know it's there. It's a Taco Shack on Spicewood Springs. This is different from Molca's on Mesa, which is also walking distance, but they have other food besides breakfast and tacos, which they sell for $2.50 each. I know this because some mornings when I run down Mesa, there is a guy who stands out on the sidewalk with a sandwich board that advertises a breakfast at Molca's.

Today is Taco Shack. I was excited to try Taco Shack, and I just couldn't wait to sink my teeth into a migas taco. So I walk into Taco Shack and go up to the counter and looked at the menu and didn't see what I wanted. But the tall, blonde hyper guy behind the counter tried to help.

Me: Can you make a taco with egg whites?
Hyper Guy: Ummmm, no. We don't do that here.
Me: OK. Do you have migas tacos?
Hyper Guy: Ummmmmm, no. We don't do that either. But I could have them add pico and break up some chips in the taco for you.
Me: Ummmm, no.

So I just got two bacon, egg and cheese tacos and ate them at home without sauce. I'm going back to Juanita's or Tacodeli from now on. Shame on you, Taco Shack. Can't you separate a huevo?

Oh, but before I forget, I had a blind date tonight. His name was Brian and my friend Joel set us up. Joel told me that Brian had seen me across the room when I was at Burger Club and he was at a happy hour. I was flattered because this hardly ever happens, and by hardly, I mean never.

So I met Brian for dinner at El Arroyo, and he told me a completely different story of how Joel set us up, which knocked me right off my high horse. I needed to get off there anyway. After dinner, we walked across the street to the Mean Eyed Cat, which is a brick and mortar shrine to Johnny Cash. Brian and I sat inside in a corner, and I had a beer and kept trying to figure out how in the hell Joel could think we were at all compatible. Brian is nice and single and drinks beer, but beyond that, we don't have a lot in common.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Day 273 = Resistance Bands + TST Party

I'm supposed to be the social director of Twenty-Six Two Marathon Club, but I haven't really done a very good job. I'm really good at throwing parties, but it's hard when you have no budget and people have all kinds of random schedules and don't want to go to anything you try to organize. But when the president of the club throws a party, then it's all OK and people want to go to that. So I baked cupcakes (as promised) to bring to the TST Christmas party tonight, which was only open to board members and first-time marathoners.

Last night as I was making cupcakes, Deacon asked me what people talk about at a running group Christmas party. Well, to answer that question, I can now tell you since the party is in the past. Some of the first-timers talked about how they were nervous about running 17 miles the next day. My advice to them was to just get to the 8.5 mile marker and then just think the rest is on your way home. That's all you have to do is run home now. It's easier for me to compartmentalize it that way.

We also talked about where the where the best bathrooms are on the running route. Most Randall's and HEB grocery stores are good. Sometimes Starbucks will let you in if you don't buy anything, and I prefer them because they are one-stall operations. There's a new Burger King on 35th and Jefferson that is also a very clean one-stall operation.

Others talked about what to eat before a long run. I like to eat a non-fiber breakfast the day before, which consists of egg whites and cheese. I usually have a made-to-order omelet at work. I eat normal throughout the week, but I try to stick to about 1500 calories a day. As you know by now, on a long run day I reward myself with a breakfast taco or three.

Our coach told me about some carb-loading techniques. Evidently, there is the OG way and the new school way. I will have to expand on this later as I forgot those specific details that set them apart.

So tonight, in preparation for that 17-mile run before me, I just did the low-key resistance bands workout.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 272 = Running + First Fire

I have lived in my little condo for about two years and have been afraid to start a fire. I have no idea what's up in that chimney, so what if I start a fire and it becomes an uncontrollable blaze? I thought I might need a chimney sweep to clean it out before I get to cracklin'.

So I asked Deacon if he could recommend a chimney sweep. He said they are all BS and that I should just get a Duraflame log. Really? It's that easy? Sweet.

So after work, I went for a run and realized that I was really increasing my endurance and my general speed had increased. I attribute this to working out consistently everyday, but Regan says it is weight training. I'm not stopping either, so I may never know. But for example, my long run pace used to be 12:30 ON A GOOD DAY. Now, my long run pace normally hangs around an 11-minute mile or sometimes under. Sometimes I slow down toward the end, but I'm OK with that. I'm still faster than I used to be. During regular runs that are not long run pace, I'm easily running 10-ish minute miles.

After my run, Deacon sent me a text to ask about the fire. I said it's working! He said he wanted to come over and see it and he'd bring pizza. I figured, "why not?" So Deacon brought Mangia pizza and helped me make cupcakes that I'm taking to a Christmas party for my running group tomorrow. I made them all fancy by piping on the icing and then sprinkling on some Christmas-themed sprinkles. OK, to be a good hostess, I let Deacon sprinkle on sprinkles, too.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day 271 = Gym + Date #1

This morning I worked out with Regan at the gym. She really throws so many workouts and variations at me. I hope I can remember them because today is my last official session. I remember a lot of the basics, but I'm not sure I'll be hopping on that step by myself.

Remember and me joining up on this Internet wasteland? Well, tonight I had my first date, and I thought it went well. His name was Russell, and he was tall and looked like that guy on "Sleepless in Seattle" and "While You Were Sleeping" and "Mr. Wrong." Oh, that guy's name is Bill Pullman. He's cute.

We met at the Draught House, and he was already there. So of him to beat me there, but I think I was late. I couldn't decide what to wear since nothing seemed to be clean enough to wear, and I didn't want to drag out 4-day old dirty jeans to wear on a first date. Russell drinks Guinness, so two points for him already. And he works for some hologram-making company, which I thought was pretty cool. But most of all, I remember he kept me laughing most of the time, so that is big time score for him.

At the end of the date, he hugged me and said he wanted to see me again. I said something to the effect of "yeah, I'm agreeable to that," but it was a little more casual. He's going out of town this weekend, so I hope I hear from him next week. Maybe isn't so bad. For now, anyway.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Day 270 = Running + Fonda San Miguel

This morning I ran. I ran about 3 miles along Mesa Drive. The deer were out and about, as well as the people driving to work. And I was running in their faces.

Tonight I'm having dinner with my co-workers and our Microsoft sponsor at Fonda San Miguel. I've never been to this restaurant before, and I've always wanted to go, so I'm super pumped about it. But they don't have mole on the menu. Mole (pronounced mo-lay) is this sauce made of chocolate and spices and something else and it's usually served with pollo (chicken) but you can eat it with other meats or I guess over rice if you're a vegetarian.

Whenever I talk about food and try to find a good photo of food, I realize how difficult it is. Photographing food is a real art. I didn't take this photo, but it does represent what I ordered. The Ancho Relleno San Miguel, which is a chile ancho filled with chicken, olives, capers and almonds in a light cilantro cream sauce. I highly recommend this, and I recommend another 3-mile run to burn it off, too.