Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 24 = Running + Painting

I have a very tall living room. It's not only two stories high, but the stories themselves are pretty tall ones. The ceilings in my kitchen and dining room downstairs and in the bedrooms upstairs are taller than normal ceiling height. So when you're talking about the tallest point of my living room, then you are talking about the nosebleed section (if my living room had one). Just to put it in perspective, the top of my head does not even hit the scaffold when I stand under it.

That said, I figured after a year of living here, it was about time for more home improvement. When I bought my condo, I immediately installed (er, had someone install for me) new granite countertops and a new stainless steel gas stove. I also had the kitchen and dining room completely repainted to a mustard gold color. Originally, the kitchen and dining room were painted an awful hunter green and the kitchen had wood-grain formica countertops and a flat-surface electric stove. Gross!

I decided in January that this was the year to paint my living room, stair case, bannister, fireplace and upstairs hallway. And I was hell-bent on doing it by myself. Not because I'm cheap but because I'm driven. I have this big huge wall and at first considered a red tone, but when considering resale value, not everyone would want a huge red wall, so I compromised with this neutral chocolate color that pairs well with my saltillo tile. I painted the other common walls a lighter wheat color. Originally, they were all just plain ol' eggshell.

So for the better part of the past two months (I finished the final touches on the bannister the last weekend in February just as my brother arrived for a weekend visit), I've come home every day and worked on painting my house. I was very lucky to have borrowed a scaffold from my friends Katherine and Chuck, who just happened to own a scaffold! And tonight after my run, they came to pick it up and checked out the results of my arduous mission. I only had help from Katherine on one day (she painted the uppermost wall as seen here using her expandable ladder) and on Valentine's weekend, a guy named Bill came over to help paint near the ceiling above my stair case. Otherwise, it's been all me and it's been most gratifying and quite a workout.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 22 = Running + Something on a Stick Day

Did you know that March 28 is known as Something on a Stick Day? Pretty fuckin' awesome, if you ask me. I have to credit my friend Debbie because she told me about this. And like me, she loves food. And who doesn't love food that comes on sticks? You've got popsicles and corndogs and kebabs, oh my!

Last year, Debbie had a party to celebrate this wonderful day focused on food, and I brought something like pasta salad on a stick. My friend Hope makes a ton of these things and brings them out on the boat. In fact, she calls them boat snacks. They. Are. Awesome. See my informal version of the recipe below....

This year, I brought cheeseburgers and French fries on sticks and fish and chips on sticks to Debbie's party. They were highly popular; I came home with a clean serving dish. Of course, it was a total wuss out since I bought the burgers and fries from Whataburger and cut them up and put them on toothpicks. I used fish sticks for the fish. In any case, people loved 'em!

I ran with my group this morning along the Scenic route that we take. Just part of marathon training, which sometimes feels like it never ends.

Boat Snacks
1 package cheese tortellini
1 can black olives
1 pint grape tomatoes
1 bottle Newman's Own Light Caesar Dressing

Cook the pasta according to package instructions. Drain and cool. Load toothpicks with one each of the tortellini, olive and tomato. You might have more tomatoes than olives and may also have more pasta after you've gone through one round of loading toothpicks. That's OK. Just load as many as you can.

Place the loaded toothpicks in an airtight container and pour about 1/2 to 3/4 of the bottle of dressing on the boat snacks. You might have to eyeball it and decide if you want more or less dressing.

Close the lid on the container and turn it over a few times to coat the snacks. Chill in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours or overnight. You can serve them cold, but it's OK to serve them room temperature.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Day 21 = Home Workout + Dart Bowl

Friday night sometimes opens with surprises. And I love surprises. Tonight was no different in that I opted to meet some co-workers for a last minute happy hour at Sam's Boat. I love this time of year when the sun is beginning to take its time to set and happy hour weather is about 73 degrees and breezy with low humidity. Perfect for a cold cerveza.

After the sun went down, we all decided to move the party over to Dart Bowl. On my way there, I picked up a cupcake at Hey, Cupcake on Burnet Road because I'd been wanting to try this location. I was disappointed in the freshness. Isn't this where they bake the cupcakes that they then sell in an airstream trailer on South Congress? Shame on you, cupcake bakers. These should be poppin' fresh!

I'd never been to Dart Bowl, and I'm always up for adventures, but bowling is something at which I am the suck. I took it in college and I think I made an A in the class, but that didn't keep me coming back to the lanes.

The best part about bowling (and most of college) is that you can drink beer. And at Dart Bowl, you can get long necks shaped like bowling pins. I felt like I was the first one ever to point out this cute factor until I gave it some thought and realized these novelty bottle shapes have probably been around for a while and I'm just straight up out the loop on it.

I'd heard stories about Dart Bowl, so I knew this night would at least reveal some answers to the mystery that shrowded this place for me. For one, everyone says they have the best enchiladas, but it turns out that all they really are are corn tortillas filled with cheese and then covered in Wolf Brand Chili. And I'm sure you all know that distinct canned, salty flavor of Wolf Brand Chili. These enchiladas are awesome, yet I can be easily swayed by hype.

When I got home, I did endure a 21st workout. I didn't kick off my shoes and fall into bed like I normally would on a Friday night. I got out that 10-minute boot camp DVD and worked that body. Bowling is a sport, but it's not really a workout.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day 20 = Running + Cable TV

Today my cable television was officially shut off. I don't need it anymore. I decided a few weeks ago that it was sucking the life out of me. Another reason I gave it up is because I think it will free up more time for me to work out each day. I need to do that anyway instead of coming home and sitting on the couch.

The DVR is so self-defeating. What I would do every day is record shows and come home and watch what I recorded. What kind of life is that? I was feeling guilty about having this 42" flat screen HDTV and all these cable channels that I pay for; therefore, I should get some use out of it and get my money's worth. But what I've discovered is that it really isn't worth anything, and I got over the guilt. How much am I really gaining from watching today's episode of "Oprah?"

I got much more out of running tonight. The TV will always be there, and I can always hook up my laptop and catch up on any shows that I missed due to not recording them on a DVR. Right now, getting off the couch and working out is much more fulfilling than Tyra's topic on "bromances."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 19 = Home Workout + Yoga Abs

Tonight was another night to watch LOST. But it was also another night for another workout, and tonight I decided to give a DVD a try.

I used the 10-minute boot bamp DVD for "yoga abs" that I have. I think the point of 10-minute anything is that you should be repititious about it because while the DVD actually has several 10-minute workouts included, you can also do one at a time.

I realize one night of 10-minute boot camp won't equal this photo, but this is how I want my abs to look. OK, Universe - I'm putting it out there!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 18 = Resistance Bands + Seth McFarlane

Seth McFarlane is a genius. I get the humor on "Family Guy." I know I'm a big dork, and I haven't been following the show since the pilot first aired (my brother introduced me to the DVD series back in 2006), but I heart this show.

The characters say and do things that we all think about and many times have just not said out loud. Not for the sake of political correctness (although that can be the reason sometimes), but just for the sake of not even THINKING of saying it out loud. Like, it's not even an impulse to say or do some of this stuff, yet Seth draws these characters to embody our thoughts. Pretty deep, huh?

PS - I worked out with resistance bands tonight.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 17 = Resistance Bands + Blogging

Today I worked out with my resistance bands. Meanwhile, I've been giving it some thought on blogs and who blogs and what blog topics are out there.

I love recon and research; the subject is really an arbitrary factor. I just like to investigate and learn, and so I set forth on a little recon mission on to check out different books on blogging.

I have loads of books and DVDs in my Amazon wish list. Cookbooks, books about stand-up comedy, books about food and eating and now, books about blogging. Here are a couple I've tagged as future reads:

Product Description: Tired of filling up your blog with boring posts? Take the next step and get inspired to create something unique. Author Margaret Mason shows you the way with this fun collection of inspirational ideas for your blog. Nobody Cares What You Had for Lunch: 100 Ideas for Your Blog is a unique idea-book for bloggers seeking fun, creative inspiration. Margaret gives writers the prompts they need to describe, imagine, investigate and generate clever posts. Sample ideas include: Writing a serial novel, conducting unnecessary experiments, creating your autobiography, public eavesdropping and much, much more.

By Joelle Reeder and Katherine Scoleri
Product Description: Want to break into blogging but don’t know where to start? Dynamic duo Joelle Reeder and Katherine Scoleri of The Moxie GirlsTM show you how to start your first blog, polish your prose, get involved in blogging communities, make sense of RSS feeds, podcasts, photos and more — all with fun, humor and attitude!

Inside you will find the need-to-know info to get your blog noticed: How to choose the right blogging platform or content management tool, select a web host, dress up your blog, manage blog content and keep your privates private! When you are ready for more, The Moxie Girls will treat you to insider dish on blog etiquette, analyzing blog traffic, blogging for business, creating podcasts and adding bling to your blog with plugins, add-ons and more. Throw in the refreshing cocktails, beauty tips and gossip with the Girls at the end of each chapter and you’ll be Blogging with Moxie in no time. So, what are you waiting for?

The IT Girl’s Guide to Blogging With Moxie is packed with the content you need wrapped in casual, engaging dialog and a cheeky, bite-sized format. Some topics covered include b
argain-blogging with tools such as WordPress®, TypePad®, and Vox; choosing a content management system like Expression Engine or Movable Type; managing blog content, using tags and moderating comments; selecting a professional designer and choosing from off-the-rack templates; an introduction to podcasting and videocasting; finding, joining and managing blog communities; protecting your online identity; and using a blog to better your business.

Since my blog is more about how I'm working out every day, I should probably look up books about working out. Here's one I recently learned about that sounds interesting and has great photos. I also discovered that I already do many of these exercises at the gym or working these muscle groups with resistance bands. It's called Strength Training Anatomy. There's also a version for women that I might check out.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day 16 = Gym + Massage

I'm totally in this now. It's Day 16, and I went to the gym for a quick 20-minute workout (weights and very brief cardio on the elliptical trainer) because that's all the time I had, since I had a "free" massage scheduled. Can we say priorities?

I call it free, but I recently became a member of Massage Envy. The membership drafts $49 monthly dues, which pays for one massage and any additional massages are $39. Not a bad deal. I realize that place is kind of a sweatshop with a revolving door for massage therapists, but I thought that a 6-month membership while I'm training for the Seattle Rock 'n Roll Marathon would be beneficial. Plus, I actually found a therapist there who I adore. It's Stephen. Don't steal him away!

Massage therapy is critical during intense athletic training. But it goes without saying that it's awesome even if you're not working out. I've been getting massages on a fairly regular basis since I was in college, yet I have friends in their 30s who've never had a massage. It almost makes me question their human-ness. Like the way I do when someone tells me they don't like cheese. Who the hell are you?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Day 15 = Running + SXSW

Two years ago, I woke up and ran 10 miles around downtown on the Saturday morning during Austin's South by Southwest Film and Music Festival. It was the first day I was planning on meeting the Twenty-Six Two Marathon Club for training, but I showed up at the wrong place with the wrong group. I knew it was the wrong group when the coach said, "Today, we'll start off walking the three mile loop and we might run for about three minutes." I raised my hand and said, "Uh, I'm supposed to run 10 miles today. Is this the marathon group?" He said no and that I'd missed them.

So I set out by myself to carry on with my training. I was training for my first marathon that would have been in Sunriver, Ore. (the Pacific Crest Marathon), but about 4 weeks before the race, I slipped and fell off my friend's boat on Memorial Day weekend and sprained my knee's MCL. I was out of the race according to 3 doctors in two states, which was devastating. The only way I could describe this to my mother, who has never trained for a foot race in her life, was imagine you're pregnant and you have spent all this time preparing for the baby and being safe and eating and drinking the right things and staying healthy and then you miscarry. I said, "OK, that scenario is MUCH worse, but it's still devastating."

It was also this same year during SXSW that my friend Trey asked me to house a comic who was vamping for his shows during the Texas Rockfest. Turns out this strange lesbian comic from Kansas was the cleanest and most polite and quiet house guest I could have dreamed as far as strangers in my home are concerned. She was so cool.

Anyway, I left the comic at home asleep and went for a run. Running downtown on 6th Street in the morning during SXSW is a completely different experience than when you're bar-hopping at night in 4-inch heels. There are different smells and different people roaming around. The roadies were setting up. The waste management people were cleaning up trash. The homeless people were setting out for their daily wander. I dodged and weaved through the streets downtown and got in my 10 miles without a group.

In 2008, I bought a wristband for SXSW. It was the first time I'd ever attended. Trey's festival is free, and since he's a friend, that's who I've always supported. But I had a crush on this guy and I bought a wristband so we could hang out more, and we did. But alas, it was not a love connection. Things happen for a reason, and he's still a dear friend.

This year, I decided to run downtown again - just 6 miles. I got a similar affect, but I was running downtown around brunch time and bands were starting. Emo people who'd come from all over the world were walking around with their tight hipster jeans and black spiked hair looking for the next venue on their personalized schedules they'd printed from

I ran over to Trey's venues and said hello. I didn't buy a wristband this year because I just took a vacation to Vail and attending SXSW pretty much requires a 3-day vacation and lots of energy. It's exhausting. But so much fun. Maybe I'll buy another pass for 2010.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 14 = Running + Mesa

I often run along a street in Austin called Mesa Drive. It's 3.7 miles of hilly road. I see runners here regularly. Today was one of those days when I was out running and saw other runners who I would say 9 times out of 10 look at you and smile. And they sometimes wave. Sometimes it's a group of runners. Sometimes all men. Sometimes all women. Some with dogs or pushing babies in a jogger stroller. Sometimes just another lone runner like me. And they are all ages. And sometimes you can smell the runners when they go by - like a man's aftershave or body wash or a woman's perfume. And there's the occasional body odor, but I just hold my breath when those stanky-asses run by.

Runners are just happier people. I mean, you're out there running. You're moving. You're enjoying the great outdoors - even if you're running along a suburban street with deer grazing in yards.

There's something to be said about a "runner's high." I haven't really been affected like that in several years - probably not since the first time I ran 6 miles straight, which was sometime during 2004 in Memorial Park in Houston. That's the only time I remember the high hitting me like a ton of bricks, and it was then that I "got it." I got running. I got the feeling.

Since then, I wouldn't say I've been chasing that high, but the effects of running are still significant in my life. I feel better. I think more clearly. And I just smile more.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 13 = Resistance Bands +

Just another Thursday night working late at Dell. So late that I broke out the resistance bands and worked my arms. I'm figna be cut up in these guns. My work day ended with me trying to cancel my subscription on Let me tell you a story...

As a fairy tale might read, you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince. But in today’s terms, you have to go through A LOT of online dating profiles to find a man who after literally weeks of emails and maybe a phone call or two, maybe some texting or IM-ing, might actually lead to an in-person date in the flesh in a public place. My off and on experience with online dating over the course of several years has made me think that maybe it wasn’t invented to match people at all. Maybe it is just one big entertaining people-watching experiment in an office in Dallas with a foozeball table and free beer, and if you meet the love of your life, then that is just a bonus.

It is clear to me that I have absolutely no skills in selecting a match on Crocheting a scarf? Yes. Finding the love of my life on the internet? Hell, no.

My mother used to think I was just picky and had really high standards until one day I told her exactly who I’d been turning down. Like how it is amazing that some men can turn any mundane conversation (like where I went to college) into something about sex. Or that some men think that it is OK to call you at 10:15pm on a Saturday night before they even meet you. Or that men can stiff you with a tab (oh, like to the tune of $120) and never make an effort to even pay his share (I always offer to help pay a tab on a first date, btw). Or that it is OK to bring up jokes about their ex on a first date. Or to ask me if I’m into three-ways or swingers bars. On. A. First. Date.

After years of going through this, it just starts to get a little disheartening after a while. There have been so many dates I’ve gone on and thought I’d rather be at home with no makeup on and my teeth whitener trays in watching a re-run of “The Golden Girls” than spend one more minute or stitch of makeup on this guy. I start to wonder what is wrong with me? What's wrong with these men? Why can’t God throw a good one my way? If the “law of attraction” means anything, then am I really a loser douche bag with a faux hawk?

Like I said, is just a big joke that is being controlled somewhere in a Dallas office by a bunch of marketing liars doing whip-its on their lunch breaks, and this is evidenced by the photos people post or the “form letters” I get. “Hey, I just read your profile. Your [sic] really cute. I think we have alot [sic] in common and we should go out. If you want to email me, you can at austinluvr69 at yahoo dot com. ;P” - you are not eHarmony. Stop trying to fake some algorithm to match me up with someone. I'm looking for quality, not quantity. Quantity is very easy, actually. So many times none of those green "chemistry" dots in the right navigation do not even come close.

And don’t get me started on the photos…. I don’t think I’m picky at all. I think wanting to meet a nice man who is honest, smart, reliable, respectful and has a sense of humor and some ambition is not being picky. It’s normal, and I deserve that. I want to be won over by a great personality and good character and then see what happens as we get to know each other better. At this point, he doesn’t even have to know that a lot is two words and not one. Or in the words of one email I once received from a guy on “she don’t have to be perfect and she don’t have to be ugly.” (???)

So today, I’m on the phone with customer service. I tried to cancel my subscription last week and thought I had successfully done so. After all, I’ve been doing this for years already. But I had noticed this morning that there was an amount pending to be debited from my account by them today. The woman is giving me the hard sell to persuade me to stay online, so I caved and decided I will stay on for 3 more months for the price of $34.99 (3 months for the price of 1) + some ‘first impression’ thing. The best part is her pitch (I was writing it word for word as she spoke because it was so priceless). Woman: Here what I telling you. You are wunna our greatest member. Your account has been open since 2002. I tell you what I do. You pay for one month and you get three month for price of one, and I provide you with de first impression for free.

Me: What is the first impression? Woman: Mens are lazy. They not gonna look through more pages to find the girl. I give you the first impression for free and that puts your picture at the top of each search. So with three months for the price of one, you save $8…no $10…no, you save $6.

Me: (?????)

So we made the transaction. Woman: Is there anything else I can do for you today?

Me: No, but what is your name? (I wanted it for my records.) Woman: My name is Andrew Johnson. Have a nice day!


Bravo, You keep that dream alive for all of us single folks looking for love or at least the next booty call.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 12 = Gym + Miso Soup

Whew - another day at the gym after work. I love the gym. I do. Never sure of what I should do when I get here, but I try.

All during my workout, I kept thinking of dinner this miso soup that I was planning on picking up on the way home. Which I did. Bought some and had two bites. Some fantasy.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 11 = Gym + St. Patrick's Day

This morning, I hit the gym because I knew I was meeting friends for some St. Patty's Day Guinness after work.

The thing about working out in the morning is you have to be organized. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. When I lived in Houston, I rented a locker on a yearly basis in the VIP locker room at the 24 Hour Fitness on Post Oak. It used to be a Q, which I know nothing about, but I think it was a "fancier" gym at some point. Hence the VIP locker room. But due to this awesome rental, I kept a second set of everything I needed to get myself together in there. All I had to do was bring a clean towel, work clothes and my makeup. See? Done.

But in Austin, the 24 Hour Fitness gyms don't offer a VIP locker room rental. We are in the blue part of a red state, so everyone thinks everyone has to be equal. But if you have enough money, you can get what you want. The people who are flocking out of town to buy high-rise condos in downtown Austin seem to understand this. However, let me say that I don't approve of the douchebag explosion here, but people, throw me a bone with a VIP locker room so I don't have to schlep my stuff in a gym bag each morning like I'm a homeless fitness nut. That's my workout tip today: be organized with your gym stuff and get in a workout in the morning.

Tonight I met Katherine and Amy for a drink at Fado's, an Irish pub on 4th Street. I thought it would be jam packed, but it wasn't so bad. And the overflow crowd was out under the tent because they'd closed off the street for the St. Patty's Day festivities. We checked out that scene, and at around 8:30, I decided to bail. Mainly because a creepy guy who was about 20 years older than I wouldn't leave me alone. Amy walked up to chat, and that is when I politely excused myself. I thought she'd follow suit, but creepy guy kept her attention for another hour and a half.

Girl, you have to exercise your right to bail!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 10 = Running + Bailing Out

Tonight I went for a run along Mesa Drive after work. In the daylight.

Last year went by so fast. When I think of 2008, I think, "Where did it all go?" Oh, I know. I was working ALL THE TIME. Dell turns off the lights at 7 pm. And they turn off the AC at 9 pm. How do I know this? Because I was working.

This year I decided that I'm going to leave the office early, like around 5:30-6 pm. So far, so good. I like bailing out early. I'll tell you right now, Dell isn't going to close its doors because I didn't respond to an email.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 9 = Running + Long Hair

Today I went for a 40-min walk/run. Yeah, I mixed in walking again. Just a little shakin' it up already on Day #9. I'm out there movin' and shakin' and that's what matters in this blog.

So I ended up canceling the date with long hair random guy. Normally if a guy asks me out on a date on a Sunday, I kind of expect to hear about plans. Like what time to meet and where. So when 4pm rolled around, I called him. He said he'd get back to me. I told him that we probably shouldn't go out, so no worries. He made a comment about his hair. Seriously.

Like I said before, long hair on men has never been my thing. I like the clean-cut look with a fun and eclectic personality type guy who can be edgy but without trying to "prove" it with his hairstyle. So when I was married to a white-bred SEC football player with very short hair, I was constantly dreaming of Anthony Kiedis, the lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I was so hot for him in my dreams, yet totally bewildered about this fascination in my waking life.

Considering my divorce to said football player, maybe I was dreaming about a life less ordinary. I'm no rock star, but at least I'm not bored.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day 8 = Running + CD Launch Party

This morning I embarked on a 7-mile walk/run. Yeah, I walked. It's OK. It, uh, helps prevent injury. Well, it does!

Tonight I attended the CD launch party of my friend Kevin Smith and the Kevin Smith band. He likes to play at the Tiniest Bar in Texas. He's got such a deep voice and a rugged look, and he lives the life of a struggling artist. He's a sweet guy and always has a kiss for my cheek. My friend Amy met up with me for the party, but the party played out more like a who's who of my extended group of friends.

The random thing that happened, though, is I have this date planned with a guy tomorrow. He's got long hair. I've never been into guys with long hair. But I'm trying to be more open-minded, and I've never commented on his hair, other than when he has, as he seems to make a point of that and wanted me to know up front that he wasn't going to cut his hair for anyone. Um, OK. Keep your damn hair.

So it shouldn't surprise me that this random guy would call me for the first time ever at 10:15 on a Saturday night. I could barely hear him on the phone due to the noise and music at the party, so if he was even so much as suggesting we meet early a la booty call, then thank goodness he was allowed to save face. I'm already having second thoughts about meeting him, obviously.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 7 = Gym + Old Flames

After a cold night holed up in the second floor of my house in thick fleece pajamas, thick wool socks, cashmere gloves, a tobaggan on my head and 4 quilts, I was fairly happy to get my ass out of bed to go to the gym this morning where I could work out and not see my breath. The gas will be on later today, I'm told. You better, or I'm going to hunt you down like a crazy woman and make you lay down for some good old-fashioned waterboarding.

Speaking of torture, I had the opportunity to meet an old flame tonight. Jim. You all remember Jim? I can just imagine your eyes rolling back into your heads as you're shaking them "no, no, why would you even want to be in the room with ... with... Jim?" No not you, Mom, the one champion for Jim. Well, there was one other person - his business partner.

I could have put a number of photos up here. One of Jim and me together. One of a literal douche bag. One of a line of coke on a stripper's ass. Or maybe Hitler. But since we met for sushi, I thought this would be appropriate. Despite all that history, I am a sucker for the ol' "what if" inside me. What if he's changed? What if this time it's different?"

Ladies. Are you sitting down? Are you listening? Stop IM'ing your friend or watching that episode of "Ugly Betty" and listen the fuck up. NO ONE EVER GETS ANYWHERE ON "WHAT IF." I promise you that. If you could take anything to the bank and make a mint, that would be it.

At the end of the dinner, I was “invited to spend more time with this man" that evening, and I asked him if he had a girlfriend. He said yes but that they had not yet slept together. As if this was intended to rouse a response of, "oh, you mean you haven't put your penis in her vagina yet? Well that just changes EVERYTHING. Let's just duck into the bathroom for the next 15 minutes so I can let you rock my world."

Dude. Do you know what it's taken me to get over you? He has no idea. No heart. I'm so done with him, and tonight proved that yeah, I really WAS finally over this bastard.

I went home alone at 9 pm because as uncomfortable as it would be, I knew getting up the next day at 6 am to run 7 miles before the sun came up in 35-degree weather would be more enjoyable than the regret I would have endured in spending another minute with JimmyJam.

Oh, and another thing. Beware of guys who are still nicknaming themselves when they're in their 30s or 40s.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 6 = Gym + No More Cable or Gas

I was pretty much forced to go to the gym before work this morning since apparently I did not pay my gas bill. The gym has heat and hot water. Why, yes, genius, I am 35 years old. But if you think that I have my shit together to remember to pay bills, you'd be wrong. You'd be so dead fucking wrong.

See, I thought that I had paid the bill on Tuesday, at which time I'd paid $50 because I felt like I owed them at least something but could not locate the bill. But the bill was much more than that, and the gas company doesn't like to be left hanging, much like the way they left me hanging on a wintery night with a cold snap that normally doesn't see this side of Texas.

In addition to my gas woes and no heat and no hot water, I guess I picked a pretty good day to quit cable. Suckit cable! You are not as good as gas, which I will keep as soon as I pay the $360 deposit/reconnect fee/bill balance.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 5 = Gym + KK

Today is Kristina's birthday. She's 29. Girl, you better live it up because the 30s are fast approaching.

I can't believe I'm older than KK. Somehow our maturity levels even out somewhere between 29-35. She's definitely one of my closest and dearest friends in el mundo and one of the few who have traveled to Arkansas with me. She's from Los Angeles, and people who ain't frum tha kuntry like to see how we people live. Well, I always lived in a brick home with plumbing, but Arkansas is a beautiful state and it does have a reputation among the outsiders. There are for sure some people living in them thar hills that rival the family in Deliverance. Never met those people. Scared to. Stay away, freaky hill people!

So KK and I met at my first day at work at ARC Systems when I moved to Austin in May 2005. We've had many nights of hanging out, drinking, karaoke, and oh the laughing. That girl is funny. I've got great friends all over this great mundo, and I'm lucky to have people like KK right in my town. In fact, she's the one laughing behind me in my profile picture for this blog. We were at a pub crawl (one of many during our friendship) and this photo was snapped at Nasty's (a bar). We've had some good times in this town. Like the time I passed out first on New Year's Eve and she took photos of me posed with a creepy doll. Then made a MySpace page for him and made him stalk me. And the time she directed a remake of Top Gun. And the time at SXSW and ACL Festivals. And the Rock n Ride bus (twice!). And "locust style." And the Gong Show (all of them). And the time she threw me a scavenger hunt birthday party. And "booyah!" And Halloween with Gangsta Bitch Barbie. And Christmas Eve at the Matzo Ball at Lucky Lounge. And Ploma and all the girls' trips. And her fancy shoes that won the contest at my Sex and the City movie premiere party. And Ghostland Observatory. And flying in Bryson's plane. And the big president heads. And "Ignition (Remix)" at Taco Bell. And "La Bamba." And the stories we've made up with random photos from the Internet. And the times at the Cloakroom and Molotov and The Red Door and Cedar Street and The Belmont and LaLa's Little Nugget and Betsy's Bar and Long Branch and just hanging at her house or mine. Ah, memories.

So tonight after work, I got in a gym workout and went to Rio Rita for some lovely infused vodka drinks to celebrate with KK and friends. When did infusing vodka become such a craze? I love you, vodka. You're, like, awesome. And I love you, KK. Happy birthday! Hope it's a great one!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day 4 = Home Workout + Workout Accoutrements

Tonight I tried a home workout. I bought a couple of workout DVDs at Costco, plus I have a few tools of the trade of my own (as seen here).

--Core ball
--Yoga mat
--Resistance bands
--Hand weights

Tonight I tried the 10-min Solution Ab Workout DVD and then did some core ball work. Note to reader: using the yoga mat on the saltillo tile floor hurts.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 3 = Running + Podcasts

I ran 3 miles after work today. I've been really getting into podcasts lately. I download them for free from iTunes. There are so many to choose and it's like listening to a new story every 20 minutes. It's a nice departure from listening to the same thousand songs I've heard all my life. And did I mention that podcasts are free?

Some of my favorites are:

--How Stuff Works
--Stuff You Missed in History Class
--Harvard Business Review

You can learn all kinds of things from podcasts. Like how body armor works and how comas work and who was Ghengis Khan? From the HBR, I get a lot of ideas on being a better leader and manager. Not that I manage people, but I do manage stuff. According to Dell, if you can't measure it, you can't manage it. And according to Napoleon Hill, if you can dream it, you can be it. I'm all motivational all of a sudden.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day 2 = Running + Tomato Soup

Since I came up with the idea to do 90 workouts in 90 days, so far I've kept to it. Of course, it's just Day 2. I ran 2.7 miles, as noted on my Garmin Forerunner 305.

It's Sunday, and I love soup. I decided to break out The O Magazine Cookbook" that Amy gave me for Christmas, which contains a recipe for Roasted Garlic-Tomato Soup. Finally got to use my clay garlic roaster. It worked!

On a scale of 1-5 where 5 is the tastiest, I'd rate this soup as a 3. It needed more salt, and it uses canned tomatoes instead of fresh. But it was very easy to make. Overall, it's not bad, but it's not much better than mediocre. The roasted garlic, on the other hand, was a 5.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day 1 = Running + Seattle Marathon

On Saturdays, I have been meeting my running group at 7 am. It's not even daylight at this time of year. This means I have to get up pretty early on a weekend day and I normally don't go out on Fridays. Or if I do, then I make sure that I'm home and in bed by 10 pm. Sounds boring, but my life is far from boring.

Currently, I'm training for the Seattle Rock 'n Roll Marathon on June 27. It will be my second full marathon, but it's really the third one I've trained for. This morning, I met my group and ran our normal loop. And my run wouldn't be a run without my Garmin Forerunner 305 and iPod Nano. I'm still listening to "Dry," and ended up running about 7 miles. But today, and many days recently, my runs just haven't been coming as easy for me. Not sure if I need more stretching, more sleep or more water, but I just wasn't feelin it today. But, I showed up, and that is what matters.

Friday, March 6, 2009

90 Days / 90 Workouts

I was (and I still kind of am) training for the Seattle Rock n Roll marathon (June 27), and instead of listening to music on my iPod (the same stuff I’ve heard over and over for years), I decided that for this training I will listen to audiobooks and podcasts.

One of the first audiobooks I listened to was “Dry” by Augusten Burroughs, and he talks about going to rehab and getting sober and how the rehab people were like, “Don’t forget to go to the AA meetings when you get out of rehab. That’s so important. Go 90 days-90 meetings. If you found time to drink before, you can find time for a meeting now.” So it got me thinking, “If I found time to sit on the couch, then I can find time to workout.” So I created my 90 days/90 workouts strategy. If I get in shape, that's a plus. I'm just curious to see if I can do this and remember what is motivating me. I just have to do some kind of workout each day for the next 90 days.

I figure if an alcoholic can find time for a meeting every day (God bless 'em), then I can find time for a workout.