Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 194 = Gym + Running + Commercials

The BodyBugg is kind of ruling my life at this point. My left arm has developed what looks like a permanent crease from wearing it, so I switch it to my right arm from time to time. And then when I plug it in to check my calorie deficit, I am obsessed with getting it to the 700 deficit goal I have. My workout this morning didn't burn that many calories, and knowing this, I had that internal conversation with myself on the way home that I find myself doing so frequently these days after a long day at work. It goes something like this:

"Should I stop at Mighty Fine Burgers on the way home? Do I? Do I want that? If I have a burger then I'll just get mustard only on it and I'll run for 45 minutes. But their burgers are all like a half a pound. So what have I already eaten today...."

Usually I pass the exit mid-inner-monologue and the desire subsides, but tomorrow is another day. And I ate leftover chicken tonight anyway and went for a run. Now my calorie deficit is like 865 and I'm thinking, "Oh, do I get to have a sugar-free ice cream cone? Will that keep me awake tonight?" So far the score today is Hormones: 0. Me: 2. I'm beating PMS for once.

An alternative, though, is Subway. Not my favorite, but I am kind of boycotting it now because I cannot stand their commercials. FAIL. I get it. Five dollar footlongs. Ggggggoin' stra-ooong. Stop singing people. You suck. You Subway marketers should be fired for that abomination. Bring back Jared. I already know Subway is cheap. I don't go there for a sit-down meal with cloth napkins and a filet migon. I go there for a cheap, sloppily made sandwich by either a) a guy who doesn't speako mucho Englisho or b) a teenager with an attitude. And don't gloat, Quizno's. You're not much better. And I hate those Cricket commercials that are like home videos exploiting kids. You should be ashamed. And don't get me started on the animal cruelty commercial with Sarah McLachlan. Even if I'm in another room, when I hear that piano hook of "Angel" come on, I run in there and turn the channel. I don't have hatred for this commercial. I just can't stand to see those sad animals or the thought of them. My friend Kara told me tonight that she thinks the woman on the Restasis commercial is creepier than a Stepford Wife. See, I'm not the only person who critiques commercials with a tongue-lashing.

OMG - as I'm writing this blog, that stupid Subway commercial came on. It's like it's watching me.

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