Tonight was probably the weakest workout I've had so far. I did actually work out, but while I worked out, I did also do a lot of house cleaning. Vacuuming stairs should be an Olympic sport. I hate to vacuum my stairs. I really do try to keep my house clean, but I've got Saltillo tile covering the first floor and it's hard to eyeball and say, "yeah, that's dirty," because it's so deceiving. I could definitely use a fairy godmother to clean my house. Or a maid. Or a 1950s housewife. Or become one.
I'm cleaning because my good friend Amy and her boyfriend are coming all the way from Portland, Oregon, to see me. And we intend on eating and drinking all weekend. But I intend on staying faithful to my workouts. Committing to better eating will come post-visit. So tonight, my aforementioned "weak" workout was basically a few reps with the resistance bands. That set of bands is one of my favorite purchases from the Target dollar aisle. Love those things!
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