Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 39 = Running + Scents

Today I decided to most definitely leave the office early. And by early, I mean before 6 pm. Mission accomplished. I couldn't wait to get out and run or walk -- whatever my legs decided to do. The point is to just get up and do it. My neighborhood has plenty of route options, and I took one today that I hadn't visited in a while -- probably not since last summer. On today's run, I listened to a podcast about why women wear perfume and it talked about how women use scent more than men to weed out the most viable mates for reproduction. Maybe I should hone my sense of smell in order to get better dates. It is, after all, the universal way for dogs to say hello. And babies develop their sense of smell almost immediately in order to remember their moms.

I am finding that every day I am looking forward to my workout, especially workouts that involve running or walking outside. Speaking of smelling, I like the smells I experience on a run. Like who's cooking hamburgers. And wondering what that yummy smell is coming from a restaurant. Or when another runner passes by and smelling their lingering scent that I end up running through. Although that last smell can be pretty rank sometimes.

I love the way the weather is at this time of year, and I'm glad to be able to take advantage of it. Even though saying it is really not enough, I want to say it again anyway: there is something to be said about a daily workout. It clears my mind, helps me focus, and I'm just overall a happier person. That and I burned over 300 calories on today's workout.

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