My view of organized religion is not the same as what people consider to be mainstream. I don't like the contemporary-PowerPoint-rock band services. I prefer the traditional service, but only the 20-minute sermon part. I try to get in just after the collection plate and I bail out as the congregation stands for the last hymn. I grew up going to a Methodist church, which is pretty liberal. But I sample other denominations from time to time. I am really just interviewing (from a pew and unbeknownst to anyone else) the preacher. I am basically looking for a great motivational speaker. I don't buy into all the doctrine stuff anymore. I believe there is a higher power and billions of people on this planet feel the same way but call that power a different name. I also think that higher power is inside me no matter what church I attend (or not attend at all).
Anyway, I didn't mean to make this blog about shoving my spirituality down your throat. Really it's about first dates. I am fairly certain match.com is the devil, which I have pointed out in a previous blog. I keep thinking, "I need to get my money's worth," since the sadistic folks at match.com threw some free months at me when I threatened to break up with them. But a free lunch with a guy with a snaggle-tooth is a waste of my time. From now on, I want to see teeth and they better have a sense of humor to back up that smile.
Tonight I went for a 3-mile run, which always clears my mind and resets my attitude for the day. Tomorrow, or soon, I'm shutting down my profile. I am pretty sure that by now it is all for naught because I am over the guy I got on match.com to forget about in the first place.
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