NOTE: This blog is being written in the future (er, I'm retro-writing blogs that I didn't get to write in the past).
Today I had another first date from another match.com guy. We met for lunch at NoRTH in the Domain. I won't use his real name, but his match.com handle utilizes the kind of car he drives, which is the picture here (good recon, huh) and the MSRP is something like $197,000. For the purpose of this blog, I'll call him "AMG." By the way, I did not put all this together until after the date when he walked me to
his car and sent me on my way to
my car (no, he didn't even walk me to my car).
AMG was waiting for me at the restaurant. He looked like his picture. He'd made a reservation, which isn't really necessary for lunch, but that place does get busy and I am ALWAYS appreciative when a guy has a plan of action. It tells me he is motivated enough to give a shit -- well, at least it's a good start. Over lunch, we had a good conversation. Turns out we both work for the same company, and going on a date with someone who works at my company was bound to happen since they employ so many people in this here Austin metro area. The conversation was going well, and AMG commented on how he normally has bad dates and that this one was going surprisingly well. He mentioned he wanted to see me again. I thought I'd like to see him, too. He seemed nice enough. Normally, it is a good sign when a guys asks you out on the next date while you're in the middle of the current date, but people, this isn't my first rodeo. I will believe it when I see it.
After lunch, we walked down the sidewalk and stopped by a car. Then it dawned on me where I'd seen AMG before. It's a type of Mercedes. AMG gave me a hug and we said goodbye. He said he'd call me. When I got back to work, I Googled the car he drove because I wanted to know what was so great about it that would make him such a lover of such fine things. I mean, I know guys like cars, and the nicer the car sometimes just means they have more to compensate for. So of course it got me thinking about him... and reconsidering. I'm a simple girl and happy to drive a gently used, well-kept 2004 Toyota 4Runner that is almost paid for (and proud of that!), so I don't know if a guy who drives a car that costs more than my salary is really a good fit. Is that bad?
Needless to say, I did not get a call from AMG. I did, however, get an email from him about two weeks later saying he's sorry he didn't call and that he'd had pneumonia and been in the hospital and wanted to know if I wanted to meet up again. Well, mom always says to give the benefit of the doubt (but Amy S. says move on), so I said yes. But again, no response. I'm sure he's much happier fucking his car anyway.
In any case, I continued my pursuit of 90 workouts in 90 days and went on a long-ish 5.5 mile run after work.