We were in rare form tonight. Rare. And might I add that laughing with friends is just the best thing ever sometimes.
After I had some random conversation with a couple about why they want to get Obama's staff out of the White House, I danced a little with Drew, a friend of Mary and Shelli's, and he invited me to go downtown with him, but I am trying to be more of a lady these days so I opted out of going downtown with a practical stranger. Besides, you can't see them in this photo but I was wearing red patent stillettos and my feet were killing me. So Drew was a gentleman and gave me a ride home. And by gentleman, I mean both lists are still in a holding pattern. And if you know which lists I'm talking about, you are probably saying, "Why?? He was right there!"
I came home and Kara was still awake and overjoyed that pizza was also delivered soon after my arrival. It was like the planets aligned because this never happens. I mean beer and pizza were in my house. Beer. Pizza. My house. AT THE SAME TIME!!!! In case you're wondering how the night ended, I tried to "take a nap" on the cold saltillo tile in my pink Snuggie. "Blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-a-alcohol." (Did you know that Academy Award winner Jamie Foxx sings that song??? Yeah, he paid for studio time for that. And for someone to mix it. And he has an Oscar.)
I did get a 3-mile run in this afternoon. Just thought I'd mention it since this blog -- which I'm convinced no one is reading other than my Mom, Aunt Linda, Amy S., Debbie and my personal trainer, and I am, for some reason documenting this stuff for my own posterity -- is about my daily workouts. Like I'm trying to prove some point.
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