Friday, October 9, 2009

Day 217 = Gym + Cougars

More planning. Another morning gym workout. I knew tonight was going to be a late night, so I planned my workout for early in the day. I went to see a comedy show with a few friends and then the show's after party. You know you have good friends when they pull you off one dance floor right before you start to become a complete fool and pull you onto another dance floor. I'm sure I accomplished looking like a fool at both locations. I was just letting loose and having fun. If there's a dance floor and vodka nearby, I am not far away.

I blame it on my new "Magic Jeans," which were practically falling off my hips. They looked great with those new red wedge sandals I bought on Wednesday. I think I lost three pounds dancing. I ended up with a dollar bill tip that fell out of my bra later when I was at home. I remember saying to Craig when he gave it to me, "you'll never see this again." And then there was some guy named Biff. I know his name was Biff because we went 5 rounds of me yelling over the music, "your name is really Biff?" His reply: "yes, it's Biff." Me: "really? it's Biff?"


My interaction with men tonight has left me once again bewildered. I was completely oblivious to some of what was going on around me while I was dancing, but my friends told me they'd had some downright rude things said to them. Where do men get off saying this stuff to women? To women they do not even know? Where are their manners? For instance, here's a conversation I got the play-by-play on later.

Friend 1: "Nice reference to cougars tonight." [sarcastically]

Comedy Guy: "I was hoping there'd be a table of cougars tonight and I looked up and the gods smiled and there you were."

Friend 2: "But technically aren't you 40? So we're not technically cougars to you."

Comedy Guy: ...something about how my friends should look him up on Facebook

Friend 1: "You can look me up under cougar."

Comedy Guy: ...turns his back on Friend 1 and says to Friend 2: "You're someone worth looking up and who I could see myself with later tonight."

Yeah. Really.

Of course, later in the night I ran into Comedy Guy, who I'd met once before through a mutual friend, and I told him I wasn't a cougar. I think he said, oh yeah, then show me your boobs. I flashed him the top part of my boob that is also visible when I'm wearing a swimsuit or a low cut shirt. Meanwhile, when it comes to the guy I do like, it feels like blind eye/deaf ear with him. I'm about to give up on you, just so you know.


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