Kara and I departed on separate ways this morning in Dallas, and I drove home in a rain storm, which the best thing out of that was the realization of "hey, I really DO need new tires." You can't always believe what the State of Texas car inspection people tell you. So there is another grand I have to kiss goodbye. I actually stopped at a combination Pizza Hut/Taco Bell for a last round of junk food. But I felt like crap tonight and went for a run after a 2-hour nap. Can I just say that deer are really freaky at night?
I have a new mantra: Let go and get God. I even wrote it on my bathroom mirror with a dry-erase marker. Kara and I had a lot of catching up to do since the mere two months since I'd seen her. We don't really run out of things to talk about and she makes me laugh. I've known her for 27 years (below are some of the early years), and she is one of few friends who can say anything to me. I appreciate her honesty. While she was visiting, she told me something that was, like, such an eye-opener to me and I was all, thank you for telling me this. You are so right and I have to remember it! So thank you, Kara. Meer.
Annnnd, I will just end with that.

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