Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 227 = Gym + Miss Piggy

Working out everyday for the past 227 days makes me think that I definitely need people in my life who are workout-oriented. Yes, I have great friends who are the antithesis of this, and I love them and will not shun them (in fact, I love hanging around them!), but it's important for me personally to take care of myself. Even Miss Piggy is a diva who takes care of herself.

I can relate to Miss Piggy. Girly girl. Blonde hair. Always chasing after that one frog (or guy, in my case, but he's probably just another frog). Over the top. Sometimes obnoxious. Sometimes vulnerable, but she tries hard to hide that. Karate-chopping flirt. Not a perfect model body (being a pig and all) but very secure in her own skin. She's one sexy Muppet! Miss Piggy is a total inspiration.

This morning I went to the gym and had my measurements taken. Sometimes I think Regan is lying to me just to make herself look like a bad-ass trainer in hopes of convincing me to buy more sessions. But good news is, I'm down a few pounds and several inches and like another 1% of body fat. So much so that I'm in a different body fat category. Regan said that when she runs my numbers without including the caliper measurements, my body fat is 5% lower than what the calipers say. DAMN! I love results! I am doing this for myself, and in this transition I've found that I don't want the bad foods and the alcohol because I don't want the results from consuming these items. It's just a short-term sacrifice for a long-term gain.

Tonight I made this HEB Tomato Basil soup that you make with tomatoes and buy in the produce section - love it! It's only 110 calories per 1 cup serving if you don't add the butter and oil (and instead just use Pam and I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray).

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