Tonight, I wanted to be a team player and get a free copy of Windows 7 for my home laptop, so I held a Windows 7 launch party. At work, all I do is manage a Dell/Microsoft lead-generation program, so I am inundated with Microsoft messaging all day long. I am a PC. I'm not ashamed. However, I switched over to enterprise programs (that's servers for you non-tech people) while my colleague is handling client, also known as PCs. If Windows 7 was vomit (which it's not), then she'd be throwing up a little bit of it in her mouth everyday. I used to be in that role and pushed Windows Vista. I actually sat in a meeting with Microsoft execs who looked me in the eye and said, "Heather, you've done more for Windows Vista than Microsoft has." And I was like, "Uh, thanks?"
I invited some friends and decided to just make it a mini Monday night social gathering with beans and cornbread and key lime pie, which I made last night while cougar cub lover checked up on his fantasy football team or whatever.
Speaking of last night, I'm soooo tired. I can't do these Sunday night all night workouts. I'm not saying I'm no spring chicken. I'm just saying that I have a real job where I have to be in meetings and make decisions all day rather than live with two roommates and wait tables and not own a car, like cougar cub. He has no idea, but he's understanding. That's cute.
Fast forward to after the party --> Tonight I had a dream about a little black girl - she was about 10 or 12 and small for her age and she was pregnant, and I was telling her that she had options. We were at the house I grew up in on Bunker Hill. Then a few days ago, I dreamt there was this black guy who looked like the bailiff on "Night Court" but talked like a hillbilly, and he kept asking me out on a date (he was sitting in a truck at one point with his hand on the wheel) and I was like, no, I'm just not feeling it with you. His teeth were horrible, and I have a thing about teeth. If your teeth are bad then you probably weren't loved enough as a kid, and that's baggage I don't want to deal with. Hey, don't judge. I will now let it slide if you order spaghetti on a first date (idiot), but teeth I just don't want to get near bad, nasty, snaggly teeth. I dated a guy for 8 months with a dead tooth who was a sweetheart but I never had feelings for him. Guess what? His parents didn't care about him. See - my theory is solid.
Anyway, are my dreams racist?
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