My Polar heart monitor battery is dead again, and I feel naked without it. I discovered it this morning before I went to the gym. The LED was fading out. But I do have the BodyBugg, which is still much more accurate. But now I have to go to Target or Walmart or somewhere where I have to park and get out of the car and go stand and wait and then wait some more because the person behind the counter isn't the person to change watch batteries and then the person who can shows up and fiddles with the insides just to get the battery to release and then makes me insert and screw/unscrew all the pieces to get the battery to fit because THEY don't want to be liable.
So yeah. I'm going to need a glass of wine just THINKING about that tedium and lack of efficiency.
Today at work in a meeting, my coworkers told me that I had created a science for efficiencies. Evidently, they think I am uber efficient. I shared some best practices and suggestions for this - one being that I just don't answer all my emails. I prioritize. So that combined with my daily affirmation ball that said, "At least I love you," made for a better day than yesterday.
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