Tonight after my 4.5 mile run, I was reading some of the comments that people were leaving on my brother's status and one girl said something that was just weird. So I clicked on her name, and BINGO! Her page is open to the public. In her "About Me" section, she uses the generous white space that Facebook provides for writers/poets/songwriters like this woman claims to be to voluntarily divulge how she is borderline bi-polar and has cystic ovaries and cannot have children. There was more, but I tried to not let it rape my eyes anymore than it already had. Seriously. Do some people just not have boundaries? Like, I wasn't prepared to get that download from a Facebook page. Bless her heart and all, but I do not feel like I need that much information about a stranger. And why is my brother her "friend?"
My about me is something like this: "I don't have cable. I love LOST." That's really all you need to know about me. Yes, like everyone else, I like music, but I don't feel like I need to list every single band. No one cares, and I have plenty of other ways to waste my time on on Facebook than to fill in all these blanks.
In July, my ex-husband sent me a Friend Request out of nowhere. It was completely random, since I hadn't emailed him in over a year and a half and hadn't talked to him on the phone in about 4 years, and he doesn't even have my phone number. I confirmed his request because I felt like he can have a free pass to see how fabulous I am 8 years later (this is my current profile pic as seen here). So my mom and I were drinking on Saturday night and saw his status update, so I wrote something on there (yes, it was harmless drunk Facebooking). Then HIS WIFE commented. Um, awkward. She's so insecure (that is my ex-husband's opinion of her last I heard, by the way). Now she's all over his page. I wanted to follow up her comment with a simple, "Homewrecker," but then that would just not be taking the high road. Honestly, I'm not bitter, but it's fun to be a catty bitch sometimes, am I right?!
And another thing...what the hell is the big deal about Mafia Wars or Vampire Wars or Yoville or Farmtown, which my brother talked me into joining, but it turns out I have no desire to cultivate virtual patches of farmland. Shocker.
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