So let me give you an update on cougar cub lover (or CCL). So CCL had broken up with his girlfriend when we met and hooked up. I normally don't do this kind of thing; it was a game time decision when it happened. And my sex life has been non-existent for oh, say, about a year. So yeah, I'm 35 and can buy my own bottle service, so if I want to play cougar for a while, then so be it.
This morning I had to fast and give blood for a cholesterol test, so I decided I'd pig out on an egg white omelet when I got to work. I was in the work cafeteria, minding my own business and watching Belinda make my omelet when I get this text. See, I'd invited CCL to a Halloween party two days ago, and he's JUST NOW RESPONDING. Also let me say that I thought kids were all over their phones texting and whatnot these days, but I guess CCL enjoys the art of playing it cool.
If you're familiar with how Burger broke up with Carrie in Episode 81 of "Sex and the City," then you remember what the post-it note said: "I'm sorry. I can't. Don't hate me." Well, his wasn't exactly like that, but he did say the first two sentences. Then followed that with how his ex-girlfriend found out about us and was really hurt and they got back together. And how he's in a rough spot right now. OH, I BET HE IS! I had told him she can NEVER find out about this because it would break her and something about loose lips sink ships. Well, she found out, and I feel really bad for her. More for her than for him. He made this mess. They're both in their early 20s. I give it a month, maybe two. But if we see each other around, we'll be cool. And that's cool. I was getting bored with this situation anyway. And I took a moment to thank God this wasn't me and my drama.
Despite the train wreck, which wasn't mine, today was a good day. Riiiight up until I got home and sat on the couch. That couch magnet gets me sometimes. Just sucks me right into its force field. My ass was about five minutes into the couch's magnetic clench when I thought, "yeah, tonight's going to be a workout with the resistance bands." And it was.
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