Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day 83 = Running + Face Transplants/Aphrodisiacs

Today I came home from work and just wanted to be lazy. I lay down on the bed and almost didn't want to go for a run. But I'm so close. This is the home stretch! I knew it would make me feel better, so I got up, got dressed and headed out with the old iPod. I had to switch off the music for this run and listen to a podcast because I'm a Pisces and listening to music would just make my mind wander into details that I don't need to think about.

Podcast 1 from "How Stuff Works" was "How Do Face Transplants Work." On my run, I was completely fascinated with a story about how a French woman's dog chewed off the bottom of her face because he thought she was dead, and she was one of the first face transplants. Then I saw a deer in my path. It stopped and looked at me. We made eye contact. I slowed down and got closer. I said, "shoo, deer." And y'all, its little furry tail wiggled. I couldn't help but wonder if that deer was about to sneak up behind me and try to maul my face off.

Podcast 2 was "How Do Aphrodisiacs Work." You know the stuff. Spanish Fly. Funky Cold Medina. Wine. Ok, the last one is my personal favorite, but I had to throw it in there. For men, the scents of lavender and pumpkin pie raise the blood flow by 40%. Also, exercise is a good aphrodisiac. It increases endorphines and emits pheromones. I'm just sayin. I'm on Day 83, people. You do the math.

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