Now, my friend and I are both cute. I think so. Annnd, we're single. And my friend, who shall go anonymous in this blog, maybe needed a wingman that day. (I love you, girl!) So naturally, we took a seat at the bar and kind of scoped out the room. I heart people-watching. Almost as much as I heart margaritas on a Sunday before a Monday when I don't have to go to work. I sized up the room right away in our central location. Allow me to paint a picture for you...
1. On one side of the bar, there were two guys. Not our types, but they weren't looking to mingle or they wouldn't have been clear on the other side of the bar.
2. On the other side of the bar, there were three guys. And there were some girls kind of hanging out near them. The guys were probably in their mid to late 30s. The girls were probably Tri Delts. It was, oh, 6 pm and one girl with bleach-blonde hair was completely hammered. She could barely keep her eyes open and head held up as she was furiously texting on her Blackberry. Classic.
3. A little ways down the bar past the Tri-Delts were a couple of guys, probably mid-30s. Two, normal-looking, regular guys. And hey, there were two of us. I made eye contact, but for the most part, I was more into the conversation with my friend and the margaritas, not being the best wingman on the planet. Then about 5 new girls, probably Chi-Os, sat down on the other side of us.
And then it happened. The two normal-looking guys made their move. One walked toward us and I smiled. They walked right passed us, tried to chat up the young uns (as Oprah would say) and proceeded to get rejected. I just thought, we are right here! My friend made a good point: these guys just want to put their tab A into slot B, and well, we're ladies so we just don't need that.
When our buzzer alerted us to our table back at the Hula Hut, we sat near the bar and watched the same two men get rejected again. I kind of felt sorry for them. It must be hard to be a dude sometimes. I mean, really hard.
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