LOST - oh, how I love thee. Let me count the ways. First, I thought Jack was hands down the hottest survivor of Oceanic Flight 815. He's this hot doctor who kind of saves the day, but then his character inevitably goes through some transition, and that is when I really started to like Sawyer. He's rugged. He makes up nicknames. He looks good without his shirt on. He can probably install a ceiling fan. But honestly, I just don't think Sawyer and I would ever really make it in real life. He's too much of a wild card. And then when I wasn't even looking, I totally started liking Sayid. I know, right? Who'da thought? Me and Sayid? But he is so smart and he can fix stuff, too! Of course, no one could ever fix any kind of communications device that would actually get them off the island.
I highly recommend that you run - don't walk - to your nearest Netflix account and take the next 8 months catching up on every episode of LOST from start to finish. Then you will have the same questions as I: What is with that statue? What is the smoke monster? When/why did Jin buy that panda bear? Is Charles Widmore the bad guy or is Ben Linus?
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