Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day 64 = Running + Saturday Mornings

6:00 am: Woke up; had breakfast and the rest of my Sprite Zero; got dressed; brushed teeth; applied sunscreen, etc.

6:42 am: Left the house to drive to meet my running group. I like the sunrise just a tad more (just a tad) than the sunset, but I'm not what you'd call a morning person.

* Little random fact about me: One song that gets me pumped up and singing in the morning on my drive to these early runs is "Badd" by YingYang Twins. Bet you didn't see that one coming at you.

7:05 am: Started off with my running group. Let me paint a picture for you. I'm basically the slowest person in the group. I'm not out there to be the fastest or the best or the most graceful. In fact, I score pretty low in all those categories. But when I get going, I am at least consistent. And consistency counts for something, I figure. So as they were all running ahead of me, I was consistently chugging along behind them.

I'd decided early on that I was not going to be running the typical 7 miles with them. I was just going to do my own thing, and my Garmin Forerunner would tell me where I would end up. I took some route detours and ended up running 5-1/2 miles. Not too shabby, and I felt good.

8:35 am: Voted for mayor at my local elementary school.

9:11 am: Enjoyed homemade migas with egg whites, shallots and low-fat cheese.

10:03 am: Plugged in my BodyBugg and had taken 12,029 steps already.

This is how I like my Saturdays to begin.

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