Sunday, May 31, 2009
Day 86 = Jogging + Max Eggs

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Day 85 = Running + Champagne

OK... back to champagne. Funny that this idea I had all started after listening to an Augusten Burroughs audiobook about rehab and what it must be like to go to AA meetings. And here I am planning to cap off my adventure with champagne. I've had some good times with you, champagne. I've even been in a champagne room in Brussels, Belgium. You know, there are red light districts all over the place in Europe. My friends and I stumbled on this one after "crashing" a bachelor party of Brits in Brussels....
Friday, May 29, 2009
Day 84 = Walking + Star Trek

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Day 83 = Running + Face Transplants/Aphrodisiacs

Podcast 1 from "How Stuff Works" was "How Do Face Transplants Work." On my run, I was completely fascinated with a story about how a French woman's dog chewed off the bottom of her face because he thought she was dead, and she was one of the first face transplants. Then I saw a deer in my path. It stopped and looked at me. We made eye contact. I slowed down and got closer. I said, "shoo, deer." And y'all, its little furry tail wiggled. I couldn't help but wonder if that deer was about to sneak up behind me and try to maul my face off.
Podcast 2 was "How Do Aphrodisiacs Work." You know the stuff. Spanish Fly. Funky Cold Medina. Wine. Ok, the last one is my personal favorite, but I had to throw it in there. For men, the scents of lavender and pumpkin pie raise the blood flow by 40%. Also, exercise is a good aphrodisiac. It increases endorphines and emits pheromones. I'm just sayin. I'm on Day 83, people. You do the math.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Day 82 = Gym + X-Ray

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Day 81 = Running + Back to Work

And as usual, after work, I came home and worked out tonight. It's just a habit now. And I made a commitment in 2009 that I wouldn't work late as often. At my office, they shut the lights off at 7pm, and there have been many nights when that is when it's occurred to me what time it is. Time to get the heck outta there for the night. Time to get out and run!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Day 80 = Resistance Bands + Yelp

I woke up and enjoyed my Memorial Day. I kept meaning to work out but got involved in cleaning. And then I had to meet said friend from yesterday at a Yelp party at Max's Wine Dive. Had a great time with great wine and loved spending time with my friend. I intended to do yoga at home, but alas, it was a resistance bands night.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Day 79 = Running + Men

Now, my friend and I are both cute. I think so. Annnd, we're single. And my friend, who shall go anonymous in this blog, maybe needed a wingman that day. (I love you, girl!) So naturally, we took a seat at the bar and kind of scoped out the room. I heart people-watching. Almost as much as I heart margaritas on a Sunday before a Monday when I don't have to go to work. I sized up the room right away in our central location. Allow me to paint a picture for you...
1. On one side of the bar, there were two guys. Not our types, but they weren't looking to mingle or they wouldn't have been clear on the other side of the bar.
2. On the other side of the bar, there were three guys. And there were some girls kind of hanging out near them. The guys were probably in their mid to late 30s. The girls were probably Tri Delts. It was, oh, 6 pm and one girl with bleach-blonde hair was completely hammered. She could barely keep her eyes open and head held up as she was furiously texting on her Blackberry. Classic.
3. A little ways down the bar past the Tri-Delts were a couple of guys, probably mid-30s. Two, normal-looking, regular guys. And hey, there were two of us. I made eye contact, but for the most part, I was more into the conversation with my friend and the margaritas, not being the best wingman on the planet. Then about 5 new girls, probably Chi-Os, sat down on the other side of us.
And then it happened. The two normal-looking guys made their move. One walked toward us and I smiled. They walked right passed us, tried to chat up the young uns (as Oprah would say) and proceeded to get rejected. I just thought, we are right here! My friend made a good point: these guys just want to put their tab A into slot B, and well, we're ladies so we just don't need that.
When our buzzer alerted us to our table back at the Hula Hut, we sat near the bar and watched the same two men get rejected again. I kind of felt sorry for them. It must be hard to be a dude sometimes. I mean, really hard.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Day 78 = Running + Lake Austin

I said I was happy to just sit in the boat and drink while the guys fiddled with the wiring. Then they gave up and we sat around some more. And then the rain came. It pour rain. [sic] We pulled the boat in and I drove home, thinking I'd go out to my friend's house and meet up. But after my shower, I looked at the bed and heard the rain beating down outside and next thing I knew I was awoken by a text message at 7:42 pm. Mom calls this a "lake hangover."
Friday, May 22, 2009
Day 77 = Walking + Burger Club

I know what you're thinking. Well, stop it. I was not intending on sabotaging my FBD progress with a burger and some beer. I had thought I'd only eat half of what is seen in the photo above (taken at the new location of Hill-Bert's on Burnet Road), but no. All that you see in the pic ended up in my belly. Plus a couple more beers I put back at Shangri-La. They have sparkly rocks, y'all!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Day 76 = Running + Biker Fox

Back to the triggered memory moment...Kristina was teasing me for taking a pic with my web cam and sent me this link. So I reminded her of Biker Fox, which she said never ceases to entertain her. I agree.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Day 75 = Resistance Bands + Webcam

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Day 74 = Running + Progress!

Monday, May 18, 2009
Day 73 = Gym + Flat Belly Diet

Here's my recipe for one serving of roasted potatoes:
1 small potato (red or white, about 3 oz)
1 tsp olive oil
Salt-free herbs (I use herbes de provence from Williams Sonoma)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Day 72 = Running + Recon

The photo in this blog is me and my father and brother circa 1992 when I was 18. It was one of the last photos we have together.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Day 71 = Running + The Broken Spoke

Friday, May 15, 2009
Day 70 = Running + Pony Tails

Today was one of the curly days - the third day in a row. So I fashioned my curls into a bumped up ponytail. Maybe it's a warped sense of reality I have, but I think I'm getting pretty good at this.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Day 69 = Running + the Underwater Jesus

This morning, I was listening to my iPod on the way to work. I have a lot of music, and the song "Kokomo" by the Beach Boys (from the movie Cocktail) came on. Normally, I would skip right through a song like this, but instead I let it play. I remembered what the Memphis waffle guy said and just stopped. Relaxed. Enjoyed my drive. Let the Beach Boys take me back to a nice sweet memory.... [insert harp music here]
Now you stay put, Jesus statue. I'm coming back for you!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Day 68 = Resistance Bands + LOST

LOST - oh, how I love thee. Let me count the ways. First, I thought Jack was hands down the hottest survivor of Oceanic Flight 815. He's this hot doctor who kind of saves the day, but then his character inevitably goes through some transition, and that is when I really started to like Sawyer. He's rugged. He makes up nicknames. He looks good without his shirt on. He can probably install a ceiling fan. But honestly, I just don't think Sawyer and I would ever really make it in real life. He's too much of a wild card. And then when I wasn't even looking, I totally started liking Sayid. I know, right? Who'da thought? Me and Sayid? But he is so smart and he can fix stuff, too! Of course, no one could ever fix any kind of communications device that would actually get them off the island.
I highly recommend that you run - don't walk - to your nearest Netflix account and take the next 8 months catching up on every episode of LOST from start to finish. Then you will have the same questions as I: What is with that statue? What is the smoke monster? When/why did Jin buy that panda bear? Is Charles Widmore the bad guy or is Ben Linus?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Day 67 = Running + Crepes

So I mentioned before that I am planning my workouts around a Jeff Galloway marathon training plan. It's nothing personal to my regular coach, who is fantastic; it's just that I don't want the pressure. This is how my week looks:
You know I'm only sticking to this plan so I can go to Greece.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Day 66 = Gym + Greece

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Day 65 = Running + Mamma Mia

It's Day 65, and not that I'm bored or anything, but as a little distraction from my invention pow-wow at my dining room table, I started to plan out my workouts. When I trained for my first marathon in 2007, my friend Amy (see previous blogs) sent me the book by Jeff Galloway called "Marathon." It's kind of dated, but the information is still substantial. I pulled out my old 30-day dry erase calendar and filled in a workout for every day for the next month based on Galloway's training program for running a marathon for weight loss. Starting today, all I gotta do is walk/jog for 30 minutes. I've proven that I can do more, but I will never forget that there used to be a day 8 years ago when I couldn't even run one minute without stopping. Now, I can run miles without even thinking about it.
So here I go again, training for a marathon it looks like (or at least following the plan). Out of curiosity, I looked up what marathons might be going on about the time this Galloway program ends, and there is a lovely marathon in Athens, Greece. And it just happenes to have a Galloway tie in! I am seriously considering signing up. What is stopping me?
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Day 64 = Running + Saturday Mornings

6:42 am: Left the house to drive to meet my running group. I like the sunrise just a tad more (just a tad) than the sunset, but I'm not what you'd call a morning person.
* Little random fact about me: One song that gets me pumped up and singing in the morning on my drive to these early runs is "Badd" by YingYang Twins. Bet you didn't see that one coming at you.
7:05 am: Started off with my running group. Let me paint a picture for you. I'm basically the slowest person in the group. I'm not out there to be the fastest or the best or the most graceful. In fact, I score pretty low in all those categories. But when I get going, I am at least consistent. And consistency counts for something, I figure. So as they were all running ahead of me, I was consistently chugging along behind them.
10:03 am: Plugged in my BodyBugg and had taken 12,029 steps already.
This is how I like my Saturdays to begin.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Day 63 = Running + Sprite Zero

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Day 62 = Resistance Bands + Optimism
Anyway...since I got home after 8 pm, big surprise: I got out the resistance bands tonight, but I have at least noticed some improvement with using them. I've got a whole mini workout area in my living room of resistance bands, free weights (albeit, I need something stronger than 2 lbs), a yoga mat and a core ball. My resistance bands are pink, and I used them while watching (and tearing up) that show about Michael J. Fox. I like to think I'm an optimist, too.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Day 61 = Running + The Gettys

When I got home from work, I was sucked into dorking out with Facebook. After 45 minutes of that and sitting on my bed half dressed, I realized it was almost 7:30, which did not leave me a lot of time to run, shower and catch the first few minutes of LOST. I ran for about 25 minutes and listened to music. I have just about everything on my iPod - The Beatles, U2, Muse, Jane's Addiction, The Cure...as well as Springsteen, Snoop Dogg, Marley, Van Morrison. I will listen to just about anything; all depends on my mood. Even my brother's band, The Gettys, made it on my iPod. They charge $50 to learn new songs. I've got a good mind to send him a check for $50 to learn to play "Freebird." All 10 minutes and 8 seconds of it. I'd just like to see him do that.
Music makes me smile.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Day 60 = Dance Workout + "Dancing with the Stars"

Worked late tonight and didn't get home until after 8 pm, and I had really wanted to go for a run and raise my heart rate -- do something really active and cardio. Watching "Dancing with the Stars" while eating leftover pizza inspired me to find the "Dance Off the Inches: Fat Burning Jam" workout that I streamed on Netflix. I will rate that only 3 stars.
In the end, I burned about 156 calories in my living room and worked up a sweat. I don't remember being so uncoordinated during four years of ballet and tap dancing, three years of Junior Cotillion and two years of cheerleading.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Day 59 = Resistance Bands + Waffle House

Speaking of little things, I opted for a thorough workout with the resistance bands, which I packed and used in my hotel room. Then I followed my workout later in the day with a brunch of a pecan waffle, bacon and cheese grits from The Waffle House on stop during the drive back to Little Rock. I guess I just had to get it out of my system before getting serious with all the features the BodyBugg offers on its web site.
Then again, when you're in northeast Arkansas...dining options are pretty limited, so you really can't blame me. ;-)
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Day 58 = Running + "Memphis in May"

This morning, I met my stepdad and my aunt and uncle for breakfast. Well, I wouldn't say I "met" them. More like I surprised them. And sat at their table while they chatted. My Oprah-style "a-ha" moment of the day came when I ordered a waffle. The chef's accent was soooo laid back and kon-try. I told him I loved his accent and that he sounded so laid back. He said that is something that he can do well -- be laid back. I said I have a hard time slowing down and relaxing sometimes. He said, "It's easy. All you gotta do is just stop." Ah, yes. Just stop. Gonna have to work on that.
One thing I love about traveling is running in a new city. I ran for about half an hour in downtown Memphis after breakfast. I ran down to Beale Street, which at about 12:30 pm was very similar to running downtown on a SXSW morning in Austin. On the way back to the hotel, I detoured through The Peabody; haven't been there since we took a family vacation in 1980 (?). Watched the ducks; they're a little fat. But I guess it's a better life in a hotel fountain. Although, you have to ask yourself: "are those ducks really living?"
It's been pouring rain all weekend and there are absolutely no rain boots or slickers to be found in a 50-mile radius. I ended up wearing jeans and my mom's sweater and flip-flops to watch about 15 minutes of Snoop Dogg in the mud at the Beale Street Music Festival/Memphis in May concert. As soon as he (er, I) sang "Gin and Juice," we were outta there. Showered and back in the hotel bar within two hours.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Day 57 = Gym + Beale Street

I took advantage of the hotel's workout facilities for my workout today. I was short on time, so I spent about 15 minutes on the elliptical trainer while facing out the window, where I watched 3 Gen Y guys each smoke their own blunt joints. Nice. Then I ran for about 15 minutes on the treadmill. Yep, that's enough for me tonight, I figured.
We're all going to dinner at Itta Bena's above BB King's on Beale Street tonight. Should be another fine time with my folks. Gotta be more entertaining than Toad Suck Daze in Conway, Ark., where we all converged last night. Somehow, all of us escaped without eating a funnel cake or gator on a stick.
(P.S. I did not win the lottery.)
Friday, May 1, 2009
Day 56 = Walking + The Lottery

So that made me wonder what I would do with $220M after taxes. I'd pay all my debt and my family's debt and maybe even throw a few dollars toward my friends to pay their debt. I promised Kristina if I ever won, I'd give her $20,000 or I'd take her and some friends and family to a nice spa weekend, like at Mirabel. I would quit my job. I would travel. I would give some money to charity. I'd volunteer more, since I wouldn't have a job. I'd focus on my secret invention and building an iPhone application. I would hire a personal trainer for every day and a personal chef. And I'd write a book.