This afternoon I met up with my running group's board of directors. Among other business that was discussed, we talked about new tips to share with the first-time marathoners. Some I knew already; some tips were new. Let me share....
- Weather Underground - This is where you can go and look up weather conditions (present and historical) in any part of the world; very helpful if you're following the rule of 130.
- Rule of 130 - This means that if the temperature + the percentage of humidity = 130 or more, then don't run. I know I've ignored this before, especially this summer when Austin had about 50 consecutive days of 100+ degree weather. But running when the sum of the formula above is 130 or more will make for an uncomfortable run and if it's for a marathon, then you won't hit your PR.
- Berlin Marathon - This is supposed to be a pretty fast race. And by fast, I mean predominantly downhill. But my group is wanting to plan a trip to run it as a group in September 2010 because the Austin Marathon coordinators know the Berlin coordinators and have been invited. I think it would be fun, but I don't think I'll really want to train for a while after this one.
- No fiber at the breakfast (or the day, if you can help it) before a long run or a race. You know what fiber does, right? You don't want to be 10 miles from your finish and can't find a restroom.
- Electrolytes - I personally like Nuuns tablets. Like Gatorade, they can be mixed with water and provide lots of electrolyte replacement in one small tab. Unlike Gatorade, one tablet is like 10 calories.
- Slimfast - I have yet to try this, but it's supposed to be a good replacement drink directly after a run.
- I recently had a cortisone shot in a nerve in my left foot. At first it didn't seem like it worked. But I think the cortisone just had to settle in. The cortisone can last for weeks or months. I got mine this summer. So far, it's been working.
- Naproxen before a run. You're supposed to take Tylenol DURING a run. You don't want to take Ibuprofen or an anti-inflammatory during the run should you experience pain. But I take a Naproxen (per doctors instruction) before a run and it cuts down on pain in my right ankle and my hip.
- FOAM ROLLER - I put this in all caps because I love mine so much. I cannot stress enough how well these things work. I wish I had a travel size.
- The 5 Keys - Not sure what else to call them, but stretching, water, fueling, rest and conditioning are critical in almost equal ways when it comes to marathon training and long runs in general. All 5 factors have to be present in order to have a comfortable and successful run. Of course, even if you have all that, the run is still about 80% mental.
- Run backwards up hill to make butt pop. Our training director passed along this tip.
- Shoes - I could do a whole entry on shoes. Maybe I will. But the bottom line is to get fitted for the right shoes for your gait.
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