I've been having a slight hip problem. It all started back in February when I was walking to my kitchen and I felt a little pop in my right hip. I didn't think anything of it because it didn't hurt and wasn't loud, but I did remember a cautionary tale of a friend who popped her hip and long story short, she can't run anymore. Later in February, I went skiing in Vail and gracefully fell on my right hip a couple of times in the back bowls. I had a big bruise for a while.
Fast forward to this morning when I got this sweet x-ray of my hip. All bones are in tact, but there is some swelling and soreness so I've been given an Rx of anti-inflammatory pills and a physical therapy rehab workout that I have to do for the next 14 days. There are 12 workouts on this sheet. I tried them out tonight at the gym in addition to some cardio and core work.
So I've been thinking about what I will do for my 90th workout, which will be a week from tomorrow. I'm scheduled for a 45-minute run/walk according to my marathon training. Honestly, that's probably what I'll do. Maybe I'll have a glass of champagne or a beer or a piece of cake afterwards to celebrate. Then I'll start Day 91; I can't imagine stopping at this point. I feel like working out has solidified itself as part of my daily routine. I go to work and come home and workout, cook dinner and go to bed and read. I don't really have anything else to come home to. I don't have a boyfriend or kids or any pets and all my friends have their own lives during the week and we only get together on weekends. Surprisingly, I find myself totally content with this. Maybe I'm growing up.
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