I burned a shit-load of calories today according to the BodyBugg. Cleaning. Walking. Grocery shopping. Chili cooking. I was a busy girl. Then tonight, I relaxed and watched Revolutionary Road. This is a movie that actually needed to be made. If you've never been married, this movie is about what nobody tells you about marriage. And it's all true. And you can really only understand it if you are or have been married. My advice to anyone getting married or considering marriage is this: know yourself 100%. You need to be honest about that and know where you stand on things, what your dealbreakers and expectations are and how to stand alone. Or you will lose yourself and your mind. It is a partnership and you do give up a lot of that independence you may have grown used to as a singleton, which can be rewarding. But be careful about giving up too much of yourself to the point you don't even know who you're looking at in the mirror.
I am in no way against marriage, love or commitment, but you should be aware that a legal document (marriage license) only confirms that you are sharing property and does not ensure that you will be in a loving commitment for the rest of your life.
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