I arrived at the spa at about 8:30 am and checked in. I stopped off at the dining room for a quick breakfast of coffee, scrambled eggs, blueberry muffin and bacon - all organic. Then I stored my stuff in their tiny lockers (note: their lockers are very tiny so don't bring a lot) and attended the 9 am yoga class. Following yoga, it looked like it might rain, but I didn't expect anything heavy, so I set out on my 2.5-mile hike along the trails in The Crossings. About 15 minutes along the trail, I felt a few sprinkles and spotted the sanctuary in the clearing. As I got to the door - and was delighted to find it open - the rain started to pour. Inside was a true sanctuary. Not like a church at all, and I've seen some beautiful churches and cathedrals. I was all alone and it was quiet and the rain outside was beautiful. I found a blanket and lay on the floor to take a nap. It could not have been a more lovely detour.
After my nap, I waited out the rain and set on my way again. The trail was curvy and slippery. Lots to see. I crossed a trail path and looked down the way and saw a deer also crossing. I looked for animals in the forest but didn't see any others. Where do they all live? I guess I scared them away. Following my trail run, I had lunch then took a shower in the locker room (taking advantage of the complementary toiletries) and put on my swimsuit. The infinity pool is gorgeous, but Lake Travis, which is typically the view, was a dust bowl. On my first visit to The Crossings (with Amy S. in April 2008 for trapeze lessons) we could see the same view as seen in the photo here. The pool area wasn't too crowded, and I was reminded at the end of the day that yes, you can get quite a bit of sun when the sky is overcast. I stayed until about 6 pm before I reluctantly headed home.
I'd like to revisit this place with a nice male companion....