Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Day 116 = Hiking + Yoga + The Crossings
I arrived at the spa at about 8:30 am and checked in. I stopped off at the dining room for a quick breakfast of coffee, scrambled eggs, blueberry muffin and bacon - all organic. Then I stored my stuff in their tiny lockers (note: their lockers are very tiny so don't bring a lot) and attended the 9 am yoga class. Following yoga, it looked like it might rain, but I didn't expect anything heavy, so I set out on my 2.5-mile hike along the trails in The Crossings. About 15 minutes along the trail, I felt a few sprinkles and spotted the sanctuary in the clearing. As I got to the door - and was delighted to find it open - the rain started to pour. Inside was a true sanctuary. Not like a church at all, and I've seen some beautiful churches and cathedrals. I was all alone and it was quiet and the rain outside was beautiful. I found a blanket and lay on the floor to take a nap. It could not have been a more lovely detour.
After my nap, I waited out the rain and set on my way again. The trail was curvy and slippery. Lots to see. I crossed a trail path and looked down the way and saw a deer also crossing. I looked for animals in the forest but didn't see any others. Where do they all live? I guess I scared them away. Following my trail run, I had lunch then took a shower in the locker room (taking advantage of the complementary toiletries) and put on my swimsuit. The infinity pool is gorgeous, but Lake Travis, which is typically the view, was a dust bowl. On my first visit to The Crossings (with Amy S. in April 2008 for trapeze lessons) we could see the same view as seen in the photo here. The pool area wasn't too crowded, and I was reminded at the end of the day that yes, you can get quite a bit of sun when the sky is overcast. I stayed until about 6 pm before I reluctantly headed home.
I'd like to revisit this place with a nice male companion....
Monday, June 29, 2009
Day 115 = Resistance Bands + Burger Club (5 Guys)
I like burgers, but I don't know how qualified I am to judge them. I mean, I'm either WOW'd by a burger or think "oh, just another burger." And on rare occasions, there's the nasty burger, but that is rare. If I had a club, it would be more about sampling queso and judging the variations of chicken fried steak (I still claim to make the best, though).
Seeing as how the burger filled me up and I needed to get some packing done before my trip to DC, I worked out with resistance bands tonight.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Day 114 = Running + Deep Eddy
It was more like a brunch, and I brought breakfast tacos, which were popular among the running crowd. I hung out in the pool and desperately tried to feign a "why no, I'm not completely hungover" look. I stayed until the end, since I was the planner, and then I got the hell out of there as soon as I could. I genuinely enjoy these people and their company, but my cousin is still visiting and I left her home sleeping in. I had to get home to take her to the airport.
I did actually get in a run today, so suckit, hangover!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Day 113 = Running + Texas Heat
But now, it's not really such a big deal. Sure, it was 91 degrees before noon today and even hotter this afternoon, but I have continued to run. And have continued to make up new cuss words for the heat and running in the heat.
But I needed to get my workout out of the way (as well as expel any remaining toxins from last night) so Kristin and I could go meet some friends for brunch.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Day 112 = Resistance Bands + Cousin
Later that night, we went to one of my favorite Austin bars, Molotov, and met up with Kristina and Michael. When they left, we took a pedi-cab (Kristin's first) to Antone's and met up with Anne, Kevin and Jeff. After the show, we walked down the street to Lucky Lounge.
Sometime during the night when we got home, I did actually do some exercises with the resistance bands. It's really all I could do at that point before crashing in my comfy bed. It was a good night.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Day 111 = Running + Michael Jackson
Farrah Fawcett also lost her fight with cancer today. Anal cancer. "Charlie's Angels" was a bad-ass series. While Farrah's character, Jill, was smart and hot, I kind of liked Kelly because she did a lot of recon and shot a gun. Well, I guess all the angels did, but that show was so awesome!
I ran tonight after I got home. It was really to kill two birds with one stone. And by that I mean that I ran up the street to get a light bulb to put in my kitchen recessed lighting. It was 100 degrees tonight at 9:30 when I went for my run. I get it, Texas. You're hot.
I topped off the night with more house cleaning because my cousin Kristin is coming to visit for the weekend tomorrow.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Day 109 = Running + WTF Is with Bonnie Tyler?
Anyway, I was thinking about another song, "It's a Heartache." Well, yeah it is if you're so co-dependent on him, girlfriend! People are gonna let you down and that's OK. People are human.
So back to "Holdin' Out for a Hero." Again with the big dreams. I'm just holdin' out for a guy who can fix the cord on my ceiling fan. The song does have a good beat. I'll give her that.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Day 108 = Gym + Homelessness
The statistics about the homeless in America are pretty staggering. I wondered recently how much should I budget per month for groceries and food. My mom and I pondered this, and she suggested $300 a month. I said I don't think I eat that much per month. That's $10/day. So I researched online to see how much people get in food stamps and then was going to base my budget on that. If there are people who live day after day like this, then why can't I? Well, it turns out there are many ways to become a food stamp recipient in Texas. But in order to get the max amount per month - only $176 - you have to be pretty bad off. That's about $6 a day. Can you live on $6 a day? If you are single, have a modest apartment, no car and make minimum wage (which I had to look up), then you are eligible for $14 a month in food stamps.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Day 107 = Running + Father's Day
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Day 106 = Walking + Meatless Crumbles
I am in no way against marriage, love or commitment, but you should be aware that a legal document (marriage license) only confirms that you are sharing property and does not ensure that you will be in a loving commitment for the rest of your life.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Day 105 = Resistance Bands + Being Blonde
A few weeks ago, I bought a scratch-off lottery ticket called "The Weekly Grand." The object is to scratch off 3 GRAND symbols and you win $1,000 a week for 20 years. My ticket revealed 3 $4 symbols and the back of the ticket indicates that $4 is a prize to win a week for 20 years, which comes out to be $4160 or some variation of a smaller annuity as a lump sum. So I called the lottery office this afternoon and explained my ticket. I said, "Can I just get that in one lump sum instead of spreading it out over 20 years?" The guy said, "No. You just won $4 and you can take that back to the place where you bought the ticket and can just cash it in there."
Yeah. I'm a natural blonde. Never colored my hair, at least not on purpose. It turned green after swimming in a pool when I was 10 and my mom tried to highlight it to get the green out. I have an IQ of 155 and used to work for NASA. I am telling you: the back of that lottery ticket is ambiguous!! Of course none of that matters because as I'm telling this story, you're thinking of how blonde I am. Well, you're right.
The night started off normal enough with a happy hour birthday celebration for my friend, Anne, and some friends. This is the girls' pic. The guys were too busy playing washers. It was also my brother's birthday, so I filled up on Crown and diet Cokes for the first of the night. Sometime later after a few beers, some midnight pizza, a game of "I Never" among other responsible professionals, a game of flip cup that never got off the ground, a dance party in a living room and a safe drive home, I hit the resistance bands at around 3:30 am.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Day 104 = Gym + Results
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Day 103 = Iron Yoga + Stand-up Comedy
Normally, I do a search on Google Images to find a photo that is fitting for my blog entries. Tonight, just out of curiosity, I Googled my name, and I was the third image on page 1 of the search results! And I was also on pages 3, 4 and 5.
The photo is from the 2008 Funniest Person in Austin contest. Here is the link to my routine if you'd like to see me, a "standup comedienne in Austin, TX."
Coincidentally, I was asked today at work about my fledgling comedy dreams. Haven't done much lately, but I have been writing a lot. I just need to suck it up and get back on stage.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Day 102 = Running + Interviews
Monday, June 15, 2009
Day 101 = Gym + Walking + Non-island Time
Tonight I came home from work and went straight to sleep in my comfy bed. For an hour. I was still groggy when I woke up around 7:30. But I was compelled to at least take a walk, which I did for about 50 minutes. And by compelled, I mean that I felt like it was a step toward getting back on schedule. Getting back to reality.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Day 100 = Resistance Bands + Naps
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Day 99 = Dancing + Coast Trip (Part II)
Friday, June 12, 2009
Day 98 = Running + Coast Trip (Part I)
I drove myself and two friends, Kerri and Rebecca. We took a few long turns, and I got pulled over for a warning by a one Cpt. Moreno down in some random south Texas county. My friends think it was the revealing sundress I had on that got me out of a ticket.
The coast trip takes place in Rockport, TX, which is kind of more known for being a fishing area more than a beach. That said, we parked all 16 of our butts in the pool and drank for two days. The first night, we went to some bar and then back to our cottages on the bay. Good stuff.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Day 97 = Resistance Bands + Tornado
Ah, the tornado. We go way back, you and me. My grandparents had a storm shelter, which was basically a 10x10 foot steel cube that was buried in their backyard. The mound it was buried under was between the carport-o-junk and the half-acre garden. I remember being shuttled into that twister pit many times while staying with my grandparents. When I was about 10, I hauled my suitcase down there with me and spilled all my Bible flash cards into the pit. I don't even want to think what made its home at the bottom of the pit.
When I lived in downtown Little Rock on the top floor of a high-rise condo building, I saw a couple tear through the city. One tore up the Waffle House next door, and they never re-built. It was this same one that forced me to walk 13 floors down to the bottom and take shelter in the stairwell. When we got back upstairs, I saw a truck on I-30 covered by the green overpass sign. Thankfully, that man lived. The next day at work (I worked at a hotel), we brought box lunches to recovery workers in an area that had been hit hardest by the tornado. I saw a white house on the road (in one piece) that had evidently been built and situated two blocks down for the last 50 years. Amazing.
That said, I couldn't possibly get in a run tonight. So after making some goodies to take on my coast trip this weekend, I worked out with my resistance bands. And I dodged the tornado, thankfully.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Day 96 = Gym + Blogging
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Day 95 = Running + Cheesesteak
I'd made this lovely chicken/walnut/rosemary salad sandwich for lunch. But he said Texadelphia and I was all, "homina, homina, homina." Yes, please. Since it was "moving day" (we moved to the next floor), I knew I'd be getting in extra steps and running later tonight, so my co-worker and I made our way to the lobby, did not attend the training (which is what the sandwiches were for), and collected our cheesesteak boxes.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Day 94 = Gym + Austin Friends
I just have to give props to all my friends. I am so fortunate to have them. I was thinking today that I didn't know anyone who was actually from Austin until I moved here. It's because PEOPLE DON'T LEAVE AUSTIN. There is a reason for this. Austin is fabulous. It rocks. It's weird. And when I think of leaving, it's like, why?
When I moved here a little over 4 years ago, I knew one couple who were transplants to Austin themselves. But they knew a bunch of native Austinites. Let me tell you - it was kind of hard to break into that pack. These are people who've known each other for 20 or even 30 years or longer. But I broke in, and now I feel like a native. So I have my pack of Austinite friends.
Then I have work friends. From every place I've worked here in Austin. From Dell. From AMD. And from a start-up company that is now defunct and not really worth mentioning, but I did come away knowing two wonderful friends from that place.
Then I've gone out and made friends on my own. At wine tastings. At lectures. At parties. My friends have thrown parties for me and surprise parties with scavenger hunts. And surprise karaoke dinners (Sake Bomb!). And they've thrown parties with me - parties with pinatas and fancy shoe contests and door prizes. And dress up/Halloween parties. And they've drank wine and beer and margaritas with me. And listened to me. And laughed with me. And laughed at me. And oh, the girls' trips we've taken. Snow skiing in Lake Tahoe, Vail and Steamboat Springs. Float trips. Boat trips. Trips to some random place just to get away for the weekend. I have two girls' trips planned this year, not counting the "co-ed" coast trip coming up soon, where some of these girls will also be found.
We email, call, text and IM. We talk about all kinds of things. We send each other funny links about videos, photos and stories. Don't even get me started on all the inside jokes and catch-phrases we've accumulated through these last four years. We support each other. Some are single. Some are moms. Some are married. They're all great women. In fact as I'm writing this, a friend just called me to help her answer some questions.I used to be the social director of my group of friends in Houston, and for a while here I'd rally the troops. But I am so rich in friends, I let my fortunes work for me now. Thank you and God bless my girlfriends. Not a weekend goes by that I don't have something planned with friends, and usually I just have to be patient because eventually a happy hour text or email will come through or an impromptu night of bowling or a movie or pool time or a concert or a comedy show or an invite to hang out on the lake or a request to enter a film-making frenzy contest....
I could gush and go on and on about my friends; it was hard to pick even these handful of photos for this blog entry because Lord knows between us all we have thousands.
By the way, I went to the gym this morning, and it was a good workout.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Day 93 = Running + Slumdog Millionaire
After a four-hour, post-breakfast-at-Kerbey Lane nap to hopefully sleep off the last of booze from last night, I went for a 30-minute run and felt very free. I like this feeling. I'm not talking about "patriotic living in a free country" free. I'm talking about free from emotional bonds free. It's a good place. I love this place.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Day 92 = Running + Marilyn Monroe
This Marilyn Monroe 1953 classic has got it all: fashion, snow skiing, cute boys, parties, romance, and of course, New York City. It was filmed in the "miracle medium" of Cinemascope. Can we make a period piece with this old technology so that it looks more of the period? I own the DVD and the special features shows Bogart and Bacall at the premiere. I love the little phrase the girls keep saying in the movie: "Is it on the level?"
This movie makes me think of "Mad Men" and my friend's grandmother who lived in Manhattan and worked on Wall Street back in the 1940s and spent something like 10 cents a day at the automat. And the automat is like an old-fashioned vending machine, or like FEBO if you're in Amsterdam.
So this morning before I set off on my 6-mile run (the first 4 were running, the last 2 were more of a run/walk because what was I thinking setting out so late in this heat?), I put in the DVD and had some breakfast and watched a little MM. In the end, all the girls find true love. It's sweet.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Day 91 = Walking + LMFAO
I thought tonight about how I love to laugh. I've even done some stand-up comedy in my time. Everyday there's something new to laugh about. Even iTunes got in on it today and suggested I download a song by LMFAO. That's the band name. I guess there is something to the iTunes genius because "I'm in Miami, Bitch" is my new favorite workout song.
Something else that made me laugh today was this explicit video of Miss Piggy. I love my friend for introducing this to my eyes. Miss Piggy is an icon.
One more thing that's been keeping me laughing: the 3-wolves-1-moon t-shirt. Just read the comments and you'll understand why I love this shirt.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Day 90 = Running + GOAL!
So now what?
Well, I plan to keep on going as long as I can. See how long I can take this. Ninety days is just the beginning. But first thing's first: pop the champagne. I wish someone could have filmed me opening this bottle because you'd think I was playing Russian Roulette. With every twist of the cork, my anxiety grew because was that the twist that would lead to the cork popping off into the up and beyond? I swear it took me five minutes. I finally opened it and turned around and saw my neighbors across the street watching me. Who knows what it looked like from behind. I waved and poured a glass and went inside. I wanted to drink in peace.
I actually wondered if I'd make it to this day. Not that I thought I'd give up, but God forbid, what if I'd fallen down my stairs this morning or twisted my ankle or had a car wreck or passed out or was kidnapped. I found it interesting that for the last 89 days, it has been nothing to rally my motivation to work out, but on the 90th day, I felt so much pressure to perform. I even procrastinated! It is evidence that if I want to do something, I'll make it happen. Otherwise, you need to dangle money in my face. Preferably 10s and 20s.
In the past, there have been a lot of times when I've wanted to give up on something, and I have. This time, it was different because I wanted this, and I grew to need it. As I was running tonight, I went back to a memory I have of a poignant moment that often reminds me of what it means to keep trying. In 2005, I was volunteering for the ice skating competition for the Special Olympics in Houston. During the technical program, one 40-something woman was working diligently on her figure 8s. The point is to complete a figure 8 without getting out of the lines carved into the ice. I stood at the wall watching her skate a little along the line, stop, rest, then start again to complete another small section of the figure 8. It took her probably 20 minutes, and this is something that takes an 8-year old novice skater less than a minute to achieve.
After the competition, she came to the lunch room where my job was to pass out hamburgers and fries to the athletes. She saw me and said excitedly, "Did you see me? Did you see me? I didn't give up!" I said, "You didn't. You looked great!" She was so happy. Nothing could have brought her down. That 20-minute long figure 8 was probably one of the highlights in her life. And here I am 35 years old and completely capable of at minimum getting out and going for a walk every day. If she didn't give up, then what right do I have to give up?
So keep reading. More blogs and workouts to come (including retro-blogs from March and April). I'm still going.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Day 89 = Gym + Meetings
I had a paradoxical epiphany the other day: I'm at my best when I have things planned out, when I have a goal in sight and feel like I'm accomplishing it, yet I'm at my worst when I can't be flexible. I don't like to be pressured; I get plenty of that at work, which I thrive on. So how can I love planning but also want to spit venom on it, too? I have to learn what I can and cannot control with planning and let go of what I can't. Now, who has those instructions? Maybe I should ask the Memphis Waffle Guy what his take is on that....
That said, while I appreciate my friend's invite (thank you, Amy!), every minute of my day has been scheduled since 5:30 this morning, and I kind of need a break from that. After all, I have a big day tomorrow. It's Day 90.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Day 88 = Running + Running
And the thing is, I’m not built like a runner. I’m not a fast runner. I’m not even really a disciplined runner. But somehow, I’m addicted. I like how it makes me feel after a race or a run. I like how it’s up to me to improve and that I’m in control of it. I like that it’s accessible and that I can really see the results and effects of running. I like the solitude and being with my thoughts when I run. I like being able to understand and listen to my body. I like that I am part of a really exclusive group of people in the world who have run a marathon distance, let alone have an inkling of motivation to do it.
Tonight I ran on Day 88. Now I can run miles without even realizing how long I've been out. I know my limits. I know the first 3 miles are the toughest and the next 15 are easy. I know my left toes start hurting after about 4 miles and I silently remind myself to get a cortisone shot from my podiatrist, who I have on speed dial. I know when my shoes need to be replaced. I know what kind of socks to not wear. I know that 1,871 songs is not enough to get through a marathon.
I just wanted to write a little tribute to running and what it means to me. It has saved me. I can't remember what it feels like to not be happy because running is the best therapy ever. The photos are of me and Danny, my college roommate's (Lisa) husband who ran me in the last 6 miles of the Dallas Marathon in 2007. He ran the same marathon last December. God bless him!