This morning before I woke up to go to the gym, I was having another dream about "my crush," which I thought I'd put aside for now. I remembered it when I saw the top of a microphone in my garage, which is from a karaoke machine. I dreamt my crush needed a microphone. I was with some friends (some of my guy friends, I think one was Joel) at some show where my crush was performing. That's all he needed - a microphone - and I was thinking, "Of all things, is this the one thing you need?" I would think it would be such a critical piece for the performance that was about to ensue. I remembered the karaoke microphone, and I said, "Will a karaoke microphone do?" and he said yes. So I went to find the microphone and gave it to him. The venue was on a street that I remember I've dreamed about before or I've seen it - sometime during my college years I think, but it really isn't a place that actually exists. I think it's some part of a recurring dream. In the dream, it was sometimes warm (I had on shorts), and at other times I looked out the window and it was snowing and cold. The end.
According to http://www.dreammoods.com/, this is what I learned:
To dream that you are watching the snow fall, represents a clean start and a fresh, new perspective. It is indicative of spiritual peace and tranquility.
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