Today was a fairly lazy day. Lots of sleep. Had a massage. Did some Bikram yoga. Made some homemade chicken soup.
Meanwhile, I am crushing on this guy. Not sure if he knows it. He may be completely unaware or he may not be into me. We've only met a couple of times, after all. I'm 35 and have a school girl crush. Just when I was enjoying two and a half months of non-crushing, non-attachment to any guy, here comes this crush. That's the thing about crushes -- you can get them your whole life. As I laid around today, sleeping, I had some interesting dreams about this guy I'm crushing on.
Here's how the dream started. I dreamt I went to his house. It was low key. It was a date, I guess, but not like a first date but an early one. So I go in and his place is a pig sty. Such a mess, and he's sitting on a twin bed in the living room and says to me, "I need to ....' and I honestly don't remember the phrase he used in the dream but it equated to having a BM. So I'm like thinking, "Geez, I just got here and now I have to wait for him to do this and he's just so open about it." Oh and btw, before he got started his BM, he walked in the bathroom and walked out and all he had on at this point was a t-shirt and I could see his legs (nice legs) and made some comment to me. So I quickly found the remote so I could turn up the TV. I just met this guy and I don't know if I'm ready to hear noises come from the bathroom, you know? That's not a new guy/early date kind of thing, in my opinion.
So I walked through his house in order to get away from any possible noises (and I wanted him to save face, too) and I thought about taking pics on my phone of each room and sending them to my friend Amy S. for recon evaluation, but instead I went in his kitchen, which was like out of the 1940s or soemthing. And the whole house was old like that, which is not uncommon in Austin (and btw, in real life I have no idea where this guy lives - in a house or an apartment or with roommates or if he is a slob; I don't know any of this). Anyway, the kitchen was this enlongated horseshoe/boomerang shape and on either open end of the horseshoe were a couple of stairs to get into the kitchen. Then around the curve was the sink, stove and fridge and between the stair areas were floor to ceiling cabinets which was good storage but unnecessary for the flow of the kitchen. I mean you could have put a little bar there with stools on the other side. Instead there was like a window booth opposite on the outside of the kitchen. There were a couple of other bedrooms that were also in disarray. The outside ofthe house was kind of overgrown, too, but not too bad I guess. I mean, I don't know this guy's situation so I didn't judge.
While he was STILL having his BM, I played with his dog, but there were several dogs. And I'm a dog person, but I wondered why he had so many dogs. I say so many, but really it was only about four. Then I woke up. What's it mean?