Graceful is probably not one way I'd ever describe myself. I probably run the way Elaine (from Seinfeld) danced.
Tonight I met my friend Michelle for drinks and apps. Harmless, right? This isn't my first rodeo. I can do drinks and apps in my sleep. I had TWO glasses of wine at a neighborhood bar. That's it. Plus an appetizer. I went home around 9pm and changed to go workout. I remember thinking that I'd just walk for 30 minutes.
Tonight I met my friend Michelle for drinks and apps. Harmless, right? This isn't my first rodeo. I can do drinks and apps in my sleep. I had TWO glasses of wine at a neighborhood bar. That's it. Plus an appetizer. I went home around 9pm and changed to go workout. I remember thinking that I'd just walk for 30 minutes.
But about a block from my house, the song "Back that Ass Up" by Juvenile came on my iPod, and the mood struck me to pick up my speed. I was a little further away at this point. I have run this road many times. The sidewalk is uneven, but I can find my way through it normally, even at night. Next thing I know, I lost my footing and tripped and fell. It was in slow motion. I couldn't believe it was happening. I didn't think I was going too fast. I tried to brace myself with my arm and left side, but my speed propelled my body forward and into the concrete. I skinned the side of my hand and part of my arm and bruised my left hip. But it was my left eyebrow that bit it. It was my 10-year-old glasses that saved my face!
For a moment, I let my forehead rest on the concrete. I lifted my head and worked toward getting my bearings. First I needed to find my glasses; they'd fallen off when I sat up. I felt around for them on the ground, and when I put them on, I felt something on my face. It was streaming down my cheek. Blood. And a lot of it. I actually considered continuing my run, but since I couldn't see, I thought I'd head home.
When I got home, my face looked like this. I wasn't particularly happy, but when a camera is in my face, I've been groomed to smile. Meanwhile, I was figuring out what to do. My friend Kristina came over to drive me to the ER, where a photo shoot ensued. Four hours later, I had 7 stitches, a tetanus shot and a huge lump on my forehead and a surfacing shiner.
Things happen for a reason. I believe that. But what the reason is for this disaster is TBD.
For a moment, I let my forehead rest on the concrete. I lifted my head and worked toward getting my bearings. First I needed to find my glasses; they'd fallen off when I sat up. I felt around for them on the ground, and when I put them on, I felt something on my face. It was streaming down my cheek. Blood. And a lot of it. I actually considered continuing my run, but since I couldn't see, I thought I'd head home.
When I got home, my face looked like this. I wasn't particularly happy, but when a camera is in my face, I've been groomed to smile. Meanwhile, I was figuring out what to do. My friend Kristina came over to drive me to the ER, where a photo shoot ensued. Four hours later, I had 7 stitches, a tetanus shot and a huge lump on my forehead and a surfacing shiner.
Things happen for a reason. I believe that. But what the reason is for this disaster is TBD.
gee whiz girl (dont mean to laugh), that was some spill, but you handled it pretty well I think. I power walk too like every morning just about. I go before 7AM (I live in the mid-east and after 7 its too hot for me. I am always thinking what if I fall or something. Please be more careful from now on okay, and thanks for sharing.