I was out of "get out of jail" free cards today. I had to go back to the gym. I love working out and love the gym, but 5:30 am was not a happy wake up call. Especially on a day when I'm working from home. My workout was good, and since I've seen some results, I bought more sessions. But let me tell you - now I'm really going to get serious! I think I'm even going to start incorporating the P90X DVDs.
This morning before I woke up, I was having a dream. This is the third time in the last week that I've dreamt of being chased. The first one was about a week ago (before I cut my eyebrow) and I can't remember the details now, but I do remember thinking that this was the first time I've ever had a dream about being chased. I realize this is a common theme, but not sure what it means for me.
I'm probably anxious and stressed. About what is the puzzle. The thing is, I never get a really good look at who or what is chasing me. I did some research on the ol' internets and found this at
BEING CHASED, whether by monsters, animals, or other menacing images suggests you may be feeling threatened in some area of your life. Rather than actual physical survival, they may be telling you your enemy now is anxiety, anger, fear or some such emotion that is making a positive resolution difficult if not impossible. As we confront and embrace these characters, they begin evolving from menacing to acquaintance, to friend, etc. It is also prudent to heed such dreams by exercising caution is waking life in the event there is an element of precognition in the dream. Another perspective indicates that aspects of your personality you may have denied in the past, are climbing their way up to your conscious mind to be integrated for better clarity and emotional health. By facing and accepting these aspects rather than suppressing them, transforms them from 'liability to asset.'
Then I found this: http://www.nowpublic.com/health/top-10-common-dreams-and-their-meanings
Being chased Description: Dreaming about being chased is also a commonly experienced nightmare. Most often the chaser in the dream is a monster or some person who is frightening; occasionally it may be an animal. Such dreams are not only horrifying and shocking, but often leave the dreamer with a lasting image of the dream. It is also worth noting that sometimes this dream is a replay of an actual event in your life. Atul Kulkerni, a student, says, "When I was young I used to have nightmares about being chased. Usually I was chased by two lions and I would be running away from them towards my house, but I could never reach the door no matter how hard I'd try." Interpretation: This type of dream often results from stress. In this type of dream you feel frightened, attacked and in danger. If you dream of being chased by someone you know, this person is somehow contributing to your anxiety. If you dream of being chased by a stranger, it's possible that the stranger represents some aspect of yourself. "Running is an instinctive response to physical threats in our environment, therefore 'chase dreams' represent your way of coping with fear or stress. Instead of confronting the situation, you are running away and avoiding it", explains Anuj.
I feel totally content, or so I thought. My subconscious has other ideas. Maybe my girls' weekend will bring me back to my senses.